L10N/Origin_of_the_Mages_Guild/6/Books/OMGBroadsheet01BrumaRestored の変更点


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*本文 [#e1121982]

**原文 [#h8320088]
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Bruma Guild Hall Reopen's<br>
J'skar named as the new Guildmagister.
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/e_78x61.dds" width=78 height=61>verybody was cheering as Countess Narina Carvain reopened Bruma Guild Hall for it's new Guildmagister J'skar. The Countess said during the Ceremony that the destruction of the Bruma Guild Hall was a terrible loss for Bruma and expressed her delight to see it reopening.
J'skar was clearly overjoyed to be the new Guildmagister and said it was a fitting tribute to those who died whilst serving the guild to see their work continued in the newly restored Guild Hall.
J'skar also expressed his sorrow that his friend Volanaro was not here to see it.
Reny, one of the new Mages sent to work at the newly opened Branch, was seen running away during the ceremony chasing her pet cat who apparently had taken a liking to J'skars Pet mouse.
J'skar was heard to say "This is going to be fun" when Reny's cat and his mouse nearly tripped the Countess who was just about to cut the ribbon to reopen the Guild Hall at the time.
When asked what he meant, J'skar just said it reminded him of the good old days. Then he made the cat and mouse Associates of the Mages guild much to the amusement of the watching crowd.

**訳文 [#q296fd05]
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Bruma Guild Hall再開される<br>
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新たなGuildmagister、J'skarのためBruma Guild Hallを再び開いたNarina Carvain女伯に、誰もが喝采を送っている。女伯は祝典の中で、Bruma Guild Hallの壊滅はBrumaにとって多大な損失であったとして、Guild Hallの再開に喜びを表した。
J'skarは新たなGuildmagisterに任命されたことに喜びを露わにしつつも、guildでの仕事に従事していて亡くなった人々の仕事を、再建されたGuild Hallで引き継ぐことは、彼らに対する最大の捧げ物であると語った。
またJ'skarは、彼の友人であるVolanaroがGuild Hallの再開を見られないことに悲しみを表した。
ちょうどGuild Hall再開のリボンを切ろうとしていた女伯が、Renyの猫とJ'skarのネズミにつまずきそうになった時、J'skarは「これは面白くなりそうだ」と言ったという。
その発言の意図を問われた時、J'skarは今は去りし良き日々が思い出される、と語った。そして注視する群衆への余興として、J'skarはその猫とネズミをMages guildのAssociateに任じた。


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