L10N/Oblivion_Collectible_Cards/1.7/ScriptMessages/01 の変更点

FormID: 010272B5	SLBerdirsChestScript			Messagebox	6	0	If I want to get the card for Miria, I must put 2000 gold into the chest.
FormID: 010440FC	SLHamrysTombstoneScript			Messagebox	2	0	Here lies Hamrys the Faithful
FormID: 010455A2	SLSierraDeraniScript			Messagebox	231	0	You can now give your horse to Sierra.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Message 	88	0	Press and hold the 'run' key and turn a little up or down to adjust card's vertical position.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	191	0	Bad item.
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	216	0	What do you want to do with this card?
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	216	1	Pick it up
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	216	2	View and then pick it up
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	216	3	Put it in album
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	216	4	View and then put it in album
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	218	0	What do you want to do with this card?
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	218	1	Pick it up
FormID: 010589AD	SLCardsvScript			Messagebox	218	2	View and then pick it up
FormID: 0101CABC	SLCardsQuestScript			Messagebox	48	0	Dear Elder Scrolls fans and card collectors, we are proud to present the final version of Oblivion Collectible Cards, a mod we've been working on and updating for nearly three years. Thank you for downloading, we hope you'll have fun!
__親愛なる Elder Scrolls ファンとカードコレクターの皆さん、私達はいまここに Oblvion COllectible Cards の最終版をお届けします。この Mod は約3年に渡る作業の成果です。ダウンロード感謝。楽しんで頂けると幸いです!
FormID: 0101CABC	SLCardsQuestScript			Messagebox	52	0	Dear Elder Scrolls fans and card collectors, we are proud to present the final version of Oblivion Collectible Cards, a mod we've been working on and updating for nearly three years. A big thanks to those of you who stuck with us from earlier versions long enough to read this message. It's been great, folks.
__親愛なる Elder Scrolls ファンとカードコレクターの皆さん、私達はいまここに Oblvion COllectible Cards の最終版をお届けします。この Mod は約3年に渡る作業の成果です。旧バージョンから引続きご使用頂いているあなたに深く感謝します。
FormID: 0101CABC	SLCardsQuestScript			Messagebox	101	0	A young lad, nearly out of breath and with an armful of fliers, runs up to you and shoves one of the fliers into your hand. He dashes off before you can protest. On the flier you see 'Furniture Catalogue'...
__若い男が息も切らしながらあなたに駆け寄り、両腕一杯に抱えたチラシの束から1枚を押し付けてきた。あなたが抗議の声を上げる間もなく男は走り去っていく。チラシには「Furniture Catalogue(家具カタログ)」と書いてあった。
FormID: 0106DC8C	SLFurnitureInvScript			Message 	64	0	The placeholder of this type of furniture is already in use.
FormID: 0106DC8D	SLFurniturePhdrScript			Message 	18	0	You haven't finished manipulating with another placeholder yet.
FormID: 0106DC8E	SLFurnitureTriggerScript			Message 	42	0	Unable to collect some of the item(s). Please do it manually.
FormID: 0106DC8F	SLBookShelf1Script			Message 	19	0	If you want to put this furniture back in your inventory, activate it while in SNEAK mode.
FormID: 0106DC8F	SLBookShelf1Script			Message 	26	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC8F	SLBookShelf1Script			Message 	36	0	You can't pick up furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC90	SLCardRack1Script			Message 	19	0	If you want to put this furniture back in your inventory, activate it while in SNEAK mode.
FormID: 0106DC90	SLCardRack1Script			Message 	26	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC90	SLCardRack1Script			Message 	36	0	You can't pick up furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC91	SLDisplayCase1Script			Message 	21	0	If you want to put this furniture back in your inventory, activate it while in SNEAK mode. Doors must be closed.
FormID: 0106DC91	SLDisplayCase1Script			Message 	28	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC91	SLDisplayCase1Script			Message 	38	0	You can't pick up furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC92	SLDisplayCase2Script			Message 	21	0	If you want to put this furniture back in your inventory, activate it while in SNEAK mode. Doors must be closed.
FormID: 0106DC92	SLDisplayCase2Script			Message 	28	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC92	SLDisplayCase2Script			Message 	38	0	You can't pick up furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC93	SLDisplayCase3Script			Message 	21	0	If you want to put this furniture back in your inventory, activate it while in SNEAK mode. Doors must be closed.
FormID: 0106DC93	SLDisplayCase3Script			Message 	28	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC93	SLDisplayCase3Script			Message 	38	0	You can't pick up furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC94	SLShelf1Script			Message 	19	0	If you want to put this furniture back in your inventory, activate it while in SNEAK mode.
FormID: 0106DC94	SLShelf1Script			Message 	29	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC94	SLShelf1Script			Message 	39	0	You can't pick up furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC95	SLShelf2Script			Message 	19	0	If you want to put this furniture back in your inventory, activate it while in SNEAK mode.
FormID: 0106DC95	SLShelf2Script			Message 	29	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC95	SLShelf2Script			Message 	39	0	You can't pick up furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 0106DC96	SLShelf3Script			Message 	19	0	If you want to put this furniture back in your inventory, activate it while in SNEAK mode.
FormID: 0106DC96	SLShelf3Script			Message 	29	0	Unable to put this furniture in your inventory.
FormID: 0106DC96	SLShelf3Script			Message 	39	0	You can't pick up furniture that isn't yours.
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Message 	200	0	 
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Message 	201	0	 
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Message 	207	0	 
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Message 	208	0	 
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Message 	214	0	 
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Message 	215	0	 
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Message 	221	0	 
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Message 	222	0	 
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Message 	228	0	 
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Message 	229	0	 
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Messagebox	281	0	No card moved from inventory to album.
FormID: 01070C69	SLCardsaScript			Messagebox	284	0	%g card(s) moved from inventory to album. It contains %g card(s) now.
__%g 枚のカードがインベントリからアルバムに保存されました。現在の保存枚数は %g 枚です。
FormID: 01072214	SLColAlbum1Script			Messagebox	15	0	Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 01072214	SLColAlbum1Script			Messagebox	37	0	Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 01072214	SLColAlbum1Script			Messagebox	39	0	This album is now active. Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728EC	SLColAlbum2Script			Messagebox	15	0	Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728EC	SLColAlbum2Script			Messagebox	37	0	Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728EC	SLColAlbum2Script			Messagebox	39	0	This album is now active. Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728EE	SLColAlbum3Script			Messagebox	15	0	Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728EE	SLColAlbum3Script			Messagebox	37	0	Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728EE	SLColAlbum3Script			Messagebox	39	0	This album is now active. Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728F0	SLColAlbum4Script			Messagebox	15	0	Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728F0	SLColAlbum4Script			Messagebox	37	0	Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728F0	SLColAlbum4Script			Messagebox	39	0	This album is now active. Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728F2	SLColAlbum5Script			Messagebox	15	0	Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728F2	SLColAlbum5Script			Messagebox	37	0	Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728F2	SLColAlbum5Script			Messagebox	39	0	This album is now active. Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728F4	SLColAlbum6Script			Messagebox	15	0	Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728F4	SLColAlbum6Script			Messagebox	37	0	Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728F4	SLColAlbum6Script			Messagebox	39	0	This album is now active. Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728F6	SLColAlbum7Script			Messagebox	15	0	Another album is opened. Please close it first.
FormID: 010728F6	SLColAlbum7Script			Messagebox	37	0	Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010728F6	SLColAlbum7Script			Messagebox	39	0	This album is now active. Return to game to view album options. You can also assign album to one of the hotkeys to gain quick access to album menu.
FormID: 010736A0	SLCardsavScript			Messagebox	173	0	Album is opened. Do you want to close it?
FormID: 010736A0	SLCardsavScript			Messagebox	173	1	Yes
FormID: 010736A0	SLCardsavScript			Messagebox	173	2	No
FormID: 010736A0	SLCardsavScript			Messagebox	177	0	%g card(s) is missing in this album. Do you want to see the detailed list?
__このアルバムには %g 枚のカードが不足しています。不足カードの詳細を見ますか?
FormID: 010736A0	SLCardsavScript			Messagebox	177	1	Yes


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