L10N/Litterbug/1.0/QuestStages/AALBQuest2 の変更点

FormID: 010023BF	AALBQuest2	5	0	Sergeant Corvio is happy that I have cleaned the streets of litter, but is concerned about keeping them that way.  He wants me to go out and find the litterbug.  He was rather vague about how I am supposed to find it and what I am supposed to do when I find it.  I guess I am just supposed to know these things.
__通りのゴミを回収し、Sergeant Corvioに感謝された。しかし彼はどうしたらこの綺麗な景観を保てるのかと気にしており、私に「ゴミ虫」を探し出すよう依頼してきた。いつどのようにすれば見つかるかは彼にも定かではないようだが、まあ、実際に遭遇すれば分かるだろう。
FormID: 010023BF	AALBQuest2	10	0	I have found a creature in the streets that looks like it might be the litterbug.  As the officer on the scene, I should use my judgement to determine the most appropriate course of action.
FormID: 010023BF	AALBQuest2	15	0	I have killed a creature in the streets that I believe to be the litterbug.  I should report back to Sergeant Corvio on my success.
__きっとゴミ虫なのだろうと考え、通りで見かけた怪物を倒した。Sergeant Corvioの所に報告に戻ろう。
FormID: 010023BF	AALBQuest2	20	0	I have been informed that the creature I found in the street is not the litterbug, and I need to go back out and find the real one.
FormID: 010023BF	AALBQuest2	25	0	I have found another creature in the streets.  I think it looks like a litterbug, but I am not so sure.  I was wrong about the last one.
FormID: 010023BF	AALBQuest2	30	0	I have killed a creature in the streets on the presumption that it is the litterbug.  I should report back to Sergeant Corvio.
FormID: 010023BF	AALBQuest2	35	0	The sergeant is not pleased.  This second creature was also just an ordinary bug and not a litterbug.  It has been explained to me that I am supposed to be looking for a person dropping trash on the ground, not for some strange insect. 
FormID: 010023BF	AALBQuest2	40	0	I have found the litterbug and he paid the fine (5 gold) rather than serving the time.
FormID: 010023BF	AALBQuest2	45	0	I have found the litterbug.  He resisted arrest, so I had to use appropriate and proportional force to remove the danger to society. 
FormID: 010023BF	AALBQuest2	99	0	The sergeant seems very happy that I caught and punished the litterbug.  After all of that anger and scolding earlier, he acts as if nothing went wrong and I did a textbook job.  I don't know what to think about him.

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