L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvaworkshopbriefing の変更点


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As you may be aware, Kvatch lost most of its industry during the attack. Much of which cannot be rebuilt without a great deal of gold. So we are returning to an older industry and regenerating our mines as well as building new Workshops. Eventually they will produce various items for us which we will sell to Anvil and Skingrad and that will bring in extra funds for us. 

Ebony and Iron Weapons and Armour will be our main export. Materials found in the mines will be used to create the Armour we sell. With the mines cleared of bandits I can now proceed with the planned regeneration of the workshops. You will start to see changes to the stable area as the workshop is built. 

You will need to talk to Rondin over at the fighters guild about using some of his members as armed Couriers. He helped you clear the mines, so you will have already met him. He will send out fighter guild members to Anvil and Skingrad to sell our goods for a fee, which I will handle. He may be walking around Kvatch Somewhere if he is not in the Guilds Halls. 

I know he is always having breakfast in the Fighters Guild between 6am and 8am, if you cannot find him during the day. 

Malisa, Kvatch Trading Company. 


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