L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvanecromundalocationletter の変更点


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To ArchMage 
I believe we have found the location of Necromunda, the ancient Necromancer Tower. If it is indeed the place we have been looking for, then we can expect the outcast Necromancers to be looking for it too.  
Should it's location become known to the outcasts, they will surely try and claim it for their own. Given it's age and former owner, should they take control of the tower, it may make them extremely powerful and should that happen, the Mages Guild would be better to recognise their existence rather than fight them. 
I fear if the Necromancers succeed in taking the tower, they could directly threaten us in Cyrodil if they choose too. For this reason I believe it is better to destroy the tower rather than allow it fall in to the hands of the outcasts.
I request the support of a company of Battlemages to assist in the demolition job and ask that they be sent quickly to the Ill Omen Inn where I am waiting. I suspect spies are watching me and the word may already have gotten out. So my need is urgent. 
From here we will head up the Silverfish River towards the old ruin of Hame, and from there up in to the Valus Mountains via ancient staircase to Necromunda.  Necomund is actually East of Fort Facian, far south of Cheydinhall. Should anything happen to me, you should send some battlemages to Necromunda to finish the job I started.
Alata Toppoff


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