L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachroniclerebuilding の変更点


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<p><img src="Textures/Clutter/Books/kvatchaftermath/kvachronicle.dds" width="512" height="256">
<font face=1><div align="center">Rebuild Continues!
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The recently rebuilt middle class residence has allowed many who lost their homes to move back in to accommodation that better suited their status within the city. Davro from the Dog and Duck was stated to have said he had just about had enough of rats in the old place, he could not have taken another week in that flea pit.
Malisa of the recently established Kvatch Trading Company said it was time to create some more jobs and bring in extra workers from outside the city. The Industries Kvatch relied on were destroyed in the attack and Kvatch had to fall back on the old mines as a source of income now to survive. 
Malisa also stated that the Kvatch Trading Companies long term plans included building Workshops and Warehouses and establishing a Cyrodiil wide trade network to help Kvatch sell its products. She also hinted that the Count is hoping to use Lesa Tors over seas contacts to bring in business from outside of Cyrodiil. 
Reports from the guard about the security of the city have been alarming. Talk of bandits planning attacks to loot the weakened city are everywhere and it is said that the Elder Council wants the Count to send the few guards we have out on patrol. 
The Count has decided to conduct the patrol personally, so not to leave the city undefended. This is said to have pleased many in the castle and raised the moral of the citizens. How the Elder Council will react is anybodies guess

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