L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachroniclenocount の変更点


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<p><img src="Textures/Clutter/Books/kvatchaftermath/kvachronicle.dds" width="512" height="256">
<font face=1><div align="center">Savlian Matius takes charge.
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Savlian Matius resigned as captain of the guard after the Battle of Kvatch, his second in command Berich Inian will be taking over from him for the time being. Savlian Matius & Berich Inian are to begin organizing the rebuilding effort together.
Savlian has written to the Elder Council seeking aid or news of a successor to the Count but has not yet received an answer. In the mean time workers have been directed to clear away the rubble of the Arena and the destroyed middle class residence behind the Survivors Inn ready for new develop to begin.
There is some debate as to what should be built on the site. Popular opinion is to build quick cheap housing to get the residence out of rain. One visitor to the city suggested building a new Arena but the majority of the residence of Kvatch considered the suggestion insensitive given what had just happened and the person  was asked to leave before he was hung from the city gates. 
The arguing over the Arena lead to some debate as to what to do with the Arena site it self. Kvatch was buried in rubble and the Arena was not needed nor wanted and seemed the ideal place to dump the rubble from around the city. The citizens took a vote and decided to make it the Official city dump for the duration of the rebuilding. 
Savlian announed that when all rubble had been cleared from around the city. The Arena site would be turfed over and Hasel, a local Gardener, would then make it in to a Memorial Garden for use by all citizens.  Mason Guilbert Selone would then make a new statue for the garden to act as a center piece. 
After the meeting Savlian Matius told us that his priority was to get roofs over the heads of the citizens, until he could do that, they would have to live in the camp outside the gate.

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