L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachroniclenewcount の変更点


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<p><img src="Textures/Clutter/Books/kvatchaftermath/kvachronicle.dds" width="512" height="256">
<font face=1><div align="center">New Count Chosen!
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When Savlian Matius announced the Elder Council had chosen a new Count for the city, despite the objections of the citizens, most of us were alarmed and shocked at the insensitivity the Council had shown. 
He had suggested to the Elder Council that they let the citizens of Kvatch choose a new Count but the Elder Council were having none of it. Rimus Louter and Vorlian Snatch had expected the Elder Council to choose one of them as the new Count and were said to have been displeased with the news that neither was chosen at the time. 
This upset Savlian and the Kvatch representatives greatly, resulting in a petition being sent to the  Elder Council informing them that they would not accept any Count chosen by the Council as their new leader. 
So citizens were surprised by the shock announcement that the Hero of Kvatch was chosen to be the new Count of Kvatch by the Elder Council. This was unexpected news but welcomed by all, even Rimus Louter and Vorlian Snatch seemed to approve stating a strong leader was desirable at this time. 
Savlian arranged to meet the Hero of Kvatch in the Survivors Inn for a drink and a talk about the position of Count. Savlian reports that Hero of Kvatch lept at the chance to help rebuild the city and had already given Savlian orders to re-establish many of the destroyed institutions the city had lost. 
When asked how he felt, Savlian replied, optimistic. 

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