L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachronicleattack の変更点


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<p><img src="Textures/Clutter/Books/kvatchaftermath/kvachronicle.dds" width="512" height="256">
<font face=1><div align="center">All over now say the guards.
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After the recent attacks on the city many are asking how the Daedra managed to hide out for so long without being noticed. Some believe they had help, others believe they sneaked in to the city via a secret route, few even believe there are Daedra Worshippers within the city protecting even more of them. 
It is clear that after the first battle many citizens were in deep shock and a real search of the ruins was never conducted. Then with all the Oblivion Gates opening all over Cyrodiil and heros closing them as fast as possible, some believe Daedra caught outside the gates that got closed were ordered to come here and retake the city. 
Which ever is true the guards have stated that they believe no Daedra remain inside the city and if any still do, they Guards would handle it like they did in the second attack with the help of the new Knights of Kvatch. 
Most citizens remember the charge of the Knights and many are asking for a new statue in their honour, but where would one go. A painting may yet be commissioned to commemorate the charge and the way the valiant guards held the line but that is said to be under discussion at the moment. 
The mood of the city after the first attack was at rock bottom and whilst we have all tried not to mention it too much, there was definitely a mood of defeat about the city. After the recent victory over the Daedra, the cities mood has completely changed and it is even said a order of Holy Akatosh Nuns are moving to Kvatch. They believe the chapel to be blessed by Akakosh after it sheltered and protected so many lives in the first and second attacks. 

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