L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachronicle8 の変更点

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<font face=1><div align="center">Savlian Matius, the Counts right hand man. 
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In a recent interview with  Savlian Matius, he explained how proud he was of the Count and the city and what it had achieved since the attack. He told us about the moments he remembers the most and people who made a difference. 
What follows are Savlian Matius own words. 
When I first met the young adventurer outside the walls of Kvatch we were in desperate need,  but how could we know one person would save us from the events of that day. Yet that one person proved them selves and became the Hero of Kvatch, but everybody knows that story. 
After the Hero of Kvatch became Count, administration took over and the story was lost so I will tell you a little about that. 
The Counts biggest worry was for the safety of the citizens of Kvatch, we had heard rumours that bandits were planning to attack the city and whilst this was certainly true, it was not our greatest threat but we did not know that at the time.
The Count wanted to keep the men here in the city to protect the Citizens but the Elder Council wanted him to get out on patrol and hunt down those bandits so he did, kind of....it was more of a race around Kvatch than a real patrol.  
A quick tour revealed the size of the bandit problem. 
That and the incident in the mines made the Count realise we were in trouble but the Elder Council came through for us and sent us an order of Imperial Knights known under the name The Knights of Kvatch.
I suspect the title was way of keeping the citizens calm but nobody could have seen the effect those Knights would have on our city the night we found out about the real threat. 
The second Daedra attack was a surprise but the Guards held fast and the Knight's did their job and everything turned out fine. Defences put in place to defend against the bandits, beat the Daedra.  Clearly this was stroke of luck for us in Kvatch and the Victory certainly did much to change the mood of the city. We had beat the Daedra, the stories of the parties that when on that night will be told for years....
Chuckle...hopefully not the parties I went too he he. 
Since then the Counts been busy with the usual duties and we have been handling everything else, life is good, we cannot complain. The city is prospering and as each new day dawns our influence around Tamriel grows.
You must remember, this is the city that beat the Daedra. Sure we stumbled the first time, but we came back stronger than ever and that has earned us a reputation around the Empire.

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