L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachronicle7 の変更点

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<font face=1><div align="center"> Lesa Tor, the Woman behind the throne. 
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Lesa Tor is the personal assistant of the Count had handles most of the jobs that goes on within the castle. So we at the Chronicle decided that to see exactly what this lady does for our Count and off we went to the castle to find out. 
Getting past the guards was initially difficult until Savlian Matius walked by and asked what we were doing. After we explained, he invited us in and took us to see Lesa in the Counts private area of the castle. 
After the initial greetings in the Counts Private Library, we asked Lesa Tor, what do you do for the Count  and this is what she told us.
My position within the castle is second only to Savlian Matius, I handle all correspondence between the Count and the out side world. Anything the count needs, I get. When the Count wishes to have a dinner party, I send out the invitations and make the arrangements. 
We found out Lesa has extensive contacts spanning the whole of Tamriel and uses those connections for the benefit of the Count and Kvatch. Clearly this is a busy women, so we asked her so straight forward questions. 
Lesa, what is your worst job ?
She said, changing the banners in the Great hall, I am afraid of heights and they are all very high up. 
What is your best job ?
Organizing the weekly markets, I would love to get out more and enjoy them but I am usually busy. When I do get out, I have fun with everybody else. Did you know we fund market day, the local Kvatch Trading Company pays for the half price beer. You can see the effect it has on the moral of the city each week. 
Who besides you helps the Count organize things ?
Well Savlian Matius keeps Kvatch Secure and handles all the Counts Count matters. He is really the the person to talk to first. if he cannot give you an answer then you come and talk to me. Failing that, if it is business related you go and talk to Malisa at the Trading Company. That is pretty much how we have things organized around here. 

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