L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachronicle6 の変更点

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<font face=1><div align="center"> Preying for Guidance.
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Many citizens walk around memorial garden or the graveyard these days preying for guidance or sign from the Nine Devines. All of them are trying to make sense of what has happened to Kvatch. So we have the Kvatch Chronicle headed over to the Kvatch Chapel to talk to our local priest Ilav Dralgoner and his helper Oleta.
We asked Ilav, why so much death and he replied.
We mortals cannot presume to guess why the gods do what they do, all we can do is survive it and if there is one thing we know after the attack is that those who where faithful and came to church, survived when others had perished. 
We asked Ilav if attendance at his Sundas service had improved and  Ilav nodded, saying...
We get more worshippers at the  Sundas service then ever before, even during the week people pop by for a visit and receive a blessing from the Nine. 
Next we asked Oleta, what she thought of the mood of the city ?
Oleta replied that after the attack everybody appeared distance, as if half dead, not really here. Most citizens walked around in what seemed to be a trans like state and it was hard to break through that protective barrier they had created for them selves after the attack. 
Since the Hero of Kvatch accepted the position of Count things have improved a lot, people are starting to wake up and look around and see life is not so bitter these days.
We asked Ilav who he preys for and he said, Karl Kvinchal, the poor man lost his entire family during the attack and his home, now he begs on the street without anybody to care for him or about him. It is a sad sight to see, I prey his fortunates change soon. 

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