L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachronicle5 の変更点

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<p><img src="Textures/Clutter/Books/kvatchaftermath/kvachronicle.dds" width="512" height="256">
<font face=1><div align="center"> Loredas Market
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Kvatch's growing prosperity is clear to most of us these days with more gold flowing in to our cities vaults than ever before. A combination of rare goods, tourism and good management by the Kvatch Trading company has made Kvatch a major trading Hub on the way to and from the Imperial City. 
The old traditional Loredas Market sells more today than it ever did in the past, even the Counts own staff do the Counts weekly shopping at the Loredas Market.  
Exotic goods from far away lands are often found for sale are reasonable prices in Kvatch on Market day. Local Inns sell off their old stock on Loredas whilst ordering the following weeks goods from the Market it self. This makes Market day popular day for all Citizens, with music and dancing and much drinking going on for most of the day. 
We decided to head down to the market and see what all the fuss was about. 
Our first stop was Hazel, clearly a flirt who loves to dance for the cheering crowd. Unfortunately she was slightly drunk, so we decided to move on to one of the Traders. 
At the Market we found Trader Gordon Darey, so we asked him, why do you come to Kvatch. 
Well Gordon replied, take a look around. Cheap beer works wonders for us merchants, drunken customers buy more, that is a fact, also with the beer being so cheap, they have more money to spend too. 
Next we spoke to Anna Linka and asked her the same question. She explained that she comes to Kvatch for some special dyes that are used in the Cloths she makes, Sigrid supplies her with what she needs. She went on to say that since she was coming here anyway and noticed the fine market, she would open up a stall of her own here and do some business. 
We asked Anna about the rumour about her products being of Daedric origin and she replied, does these look like Daedric goods to you, come on, when was the last time you saw a Clanfear wearing a dress and then walked off. 
Other traders from sell goods from Skingrad, Chorrol and Bruma here at Kvatch's  Loredas Market on the way to Anvils docks where they export many fine items created in our region. 

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