L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachronicle4 の変更点

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<p><img src="Textures/Clutter/Books/kvatchaftermath/kvachronicle.dds" width="512" height="256">
<font face=1><div align="center">Dinning with the Aristocracy 
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Since accepting the position of Count, the Hero of Kvatch has been helping rebuild the city, whilst trying to establish ties to other cities and lands. Citizens have commented on the odd Noble looking people attending the Counts dinner parties recently so we at the Chronicle have decided to investigate. 
We headed over to Moat View Lane to talk to Vorlian & Atraya Snatch, Kvatch's own Aristocracy.
Vorlian told us that the Count was trying to open up new markets for Kvatch goods with the rich and famous from other regions of Tamriel. He has entertained guests from Hammerfell and the Black Marsh in recent weeks and Vorlian tells us he may be getting a visit from Morrowind Traders soon. 
Rimus Louter arrived just as we were leaving the Snatch residence. Rimus & Renis Louter  are also Kvatch Aristocracy and close friends of the Count we told. So we asked Rimus, what does Kvatch have to offer other cities since the attack. 
Rimus looked a little surprised by our question but was happy to answer.
Kvatch has a wealth of mineral deposits right below the city that are useful for manufacturing armour and weapons. But also since the attack the Oblivion plants have made the Kvatch Alchemy business boom in ways we could never have imagined. 
The local Mages Guildhall is entirely given over to Alchemy these days and Sigrids potions are a cut above the rest due to the help she recieves from Hazel in finding the special ingredients she needs. 

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