L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachronicle3 の変更点

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<p><img src="Textures/Clutter/Books/kvatchaftermath/kvachronicle.dds" width="512" height="256">
<font face=1><div align="center">City blooms
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Kvatch has never been so colourful, at least that is what you citizens are telling us this year. Our fair cities head gardener Hazel has been seen everywhere recently planting new flowers, weeding and take care of existing city flora. Nobody would deny she has a been a very busy woman recently and has worked hard to make the city feel brighter and more cheerful after the events of the recent past. 
Some citizens still grieving from their lost have found comfort in Hazels well kept gardens and it is said she has given hope to many that felt that they would never have hope again after the attack. 
We asked Hazel, what is your secret, why do all your flowers grow so big and beautiful and Hazel told is its all about Blood Vines. Blood vines started growing around the city after the attack and when crushed up in to a plump and spread over the floor beds, it acts like a super fertilizer and makes the players grow big and strong in a very short period of time. 
We here at the Chronicle believe Hazel may have found the only real use for those weeks left behind by the Daedra but it is reported that Sigrid over at the Potion may have other ideas.
We asked Hazel what Sigrid was up, Hazel told us she was not to give details.
We at the Chronicle know Hazel has delivered a lot of Blood vine and Spiddal Stick to Sigrid since the attack and and have noticed her leaving Sigrids shop with Alchemy supports. So we believe Hazel may be trying to learn Alchemy from Sigrid in return for a regular supply of specific ingredients. 

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