L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvachronicle2 の変更点

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<p><img src="Textures/Clutter/Books/kvatchaftermath/kvachronicle.dds" width="512" height="256">
<font face=1><div align="center">Break in at the Dog and Duck. 
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Mr Davro Jones of the Dog and Duck was seen fighting with Ashni in the streets after a break in at his pub last week. Mr Davro Jones claims several items of Silver where stolen and that he knows  Ashni was to blame because he saw her sneaking out of his pub after hours with back of loot over her shoulder. 
Ashni was questioned by the City Guards and a search of her home was made but nothing was found. The City Guard released  Ashni without charge and warned Mr Jones not to fight in the streets again or next time he would be the one thrown in jail. 
Mr Davro Jones accused the City Guards of accepting bribes, claiming they found something in Ashni house and accepted a pay off to keep quiet about it. 
Guard Captain Berich Inian said he takes all complaints very seriously and would look in to the matter on behalf of Mr Jones.
Ashni told the Chronicle that  Mr Jones was always losing stuff and blaming her and this was just the latest incident in a long line of clashes between the two citizens. 

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