L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvabookTheLostTowerofNecromunda の変更点


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<p><font face=2>The Lost Tower of Necromunda</font></p>
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The Lost Tower of Necromunda has become a bit of a legend these days, the fabled Tower was said to have existed somewhere in Cyrodiil during the first Era but it has never been found. It's size should have made it easy to spot from great distances but for some reason nobody has managed to find it in all these years. 
The fact that such a large tower cannot be found leads people to believe it is being hidden by magical means. Several spells were known to have existed in the first Era that could be used to hide large objects but nothing as big as a Tower of this size. 
The favourite of Mages at the time was ?Thunder Storm?, a permanent stormy night that cut visibility in half and prevented anything being seen at a distance.
Scholars have argued that the fabled Necromunda is actually Alex Wirtlegs Jelizanto Tower. A tower so big, it had 3 Magicka collector rooms.  Jelizanto was Alex's greatest achievement and it too vanished from the history books after his death. Its location also remains unknown and theories abound that the location was deliberately erased from the Imperial Libraries records at some point in the first Era. 
Scholars believe the 3 Magicka collector rooms that existed in side the Jelizanto Tower would have been capable of focusing the Magicka as it descends from Aetherius to the base of the tower, creating a very large and powerful supply of Magicka that the owner of the tower could use to power any number of powerful magical enchantments or spells. 
Including a very powerful ?Thunder Storm? spell.
Yet Alex was never able to get it to work during his life time but it is interesting to note that Alex's greatest creation vanished after being taken over by a Mage who's name has also been erased from history along with the tower he purchased.
So did that mage get Alex's Magicka collectors working correctly ?
Some believe he did and they believe it is the only explanation for the disappearance of a tower of that size. 
Such a story is described as far fetched by many scholars that think there is no connection between the late first Era stories of Necromunda and the early first Era stories of  Jelizanto. Many scholars say Jelizanto just fell down and Necromunda is a bed time story for kids
Yet if Necromunda is Jelizanto then it has 3 Magicka Collectors absorbing Magicka all day and all night and somebody is in charge of it. That thought certain struck a cord with the Mages Guild who have been searching for it since the guild was founded. 
The story of a powerful Necromancer known as Lich Master Kalidic is one the Mages Guild would rather you did not believe. The story goes that Lich Master Kalidic founded Necromunda and gathered around him a sizable following of lesser Necromancers. Together they practised the ancient Necromancer ways until one day a rival got worried and trapped them inside their own tower using a glyph linked to the towers own magicka reserves. The key was left outside the tower, out of reach from those within. Only a stranger could set them free but the stranger would still need to know where to look for the tower.
Some believe it was the rival that erased all records of Necromunda and Jelizanto and it was his actions that caused the scholars of today to believe Necromunda and Jelizanto are in fact 2 completely different towers. Perhaps that is what this rival wanted, so spread some confusion so the towers would never be found. 
What ever the truth is, some believe that somewhere out there is a giant magicka sensitive tower with enough power to make gods out of mortal men. Some are seeking this power for them selves, others worry it will be used against them and more still simple want the fame and glory of solving the puzzle of Necromunda. 

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