L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvaNecromailNecromunda の変更点


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<FONT face=5>Necromail Special Delivery<br>
We have received word that the fabled tower of Necromunda, lost of thousands of years has finally be found by Agents of the Mages Guild. This tower is a link to the ancient Necromancer ways and holds secrets that even the Mages Guild cannot possibly comprehend. 
We know there are a group of Battlemages going to its location to destroy it. We need to stop them and claim the tower for the Kvatch Necromancer Guild, but we do not know it's location. 
Our informant tells us that a Mage currently wait's for support at the Ill Omen Inn on the road to Bravil from the Imperial City. He knows the location of Necromunda and carries a message containing directions to the tower.  If you cannot find it any other way, you might be able to get the information from him somehow. 
Once you know it's location, you must go to Necromunda and lay claim to it for the our Guild.  Defend it against any who would destroy it and do what must be done to bring that Tower's assets under our Guild's control. 
This is an urgent mission, you must carry it out without delay because that Mage will not wait at the Ill Omen Inn for ever and if you do not already know where the tower is located, this mage will be your best chance of finding it quickly. 
From the Necromail Administrator 
Mr One Less Voice File. 

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