L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvaCountofkvatchnote の変更点


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<font face=5><br><br>To the Hero of Kvatch <br>
Since the death of the Emperor, some of the cities have started to make plans to break away from the Empire. This has kept us very busy and we have not paid as much attention to Kvatch as we should have done.<br>
Kvatch needs a new Count to organise the cities defenses and restore order. The citizens them selves have done much to rebuild the city without any help from the Elder council and we feel they would not look kindly upon us simply appointing some Noble at this point.<br>
Nor can we risk them appointing a person who may not be loyal to Empire. Since you have proven your self loyal to the Empire and are the Hero of Kvatch, we feel you are the logical choice for position of Count and that your appointment would be accepted by the survivors of that city.<br>
If you choose to accept the position of Count, you will be expected to pay for the repairs the to Castle and see to the hiring of guards in order to restore the authority of the Empire over that city. We realise the city walls may not be repaired with in your life time but it is important you make the needed repairs and purchases for the castle it self if the other Nobles are to recognise your authority. Only then will you  truely be the Count in their eyes. <br>
If you decide to accept this position then you should go to Kvatch and talk to Savlian Matius, he can be found in the Survivors Inn in Kvatch organizing the cities affairs. He will be your advisor and he will see to it that any orders you issue are carried out. 


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