L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvaBroadsheet01daedraattack の変更点


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New Count Defeats Second Daedra attack on Kvatch<br>
by Phineas Farnsworth<br>
<DIV align="left">Kvatch has been attacked yet again, this time by Daedra that failed to escape before the Hero of Kvatch closed the oblivion gate. It is believed they remained hidden, preparing for the second attack after the gate was closed. <p>
Then when they felt the time was right, they attacked Kvatch again, only this time the guards would not give ground. Every man, woman and child stood against the attackers and the new Knights of Kvatch Order, only founded recently, charged head on in to the attackers and broke them before they could get established. 
The Knights and Guards, working together managed to defeat the attackers in a battle lasting several hours and dispite the attackers appearing in several areas of the city. 
One of the heroes of the battle, Sir George Lockly, a member of the Knights of Kvatch said to us "The Knights did not just pop out of thin air. Every member is fighter with a great deal of experience, sent to kvatch to help against attacks like this. Citizens should expect nothing less from the Knights than the sort of response seen during the battle".  
When asked about the famous "Charge of the Knights" that swung the battle in Kvatches favour, Sir Lockly replied "Oh that, we thought it was last orders at the bar". 
Kvatch appears to have been renewed after winning this battle, every citizen appears to feel revenge has been severed up at the end of the Guards Longsword and the shame felt by many for surviving the first attack has been washed clean. 
Kvatch today is a very different place than it was less than a week ago, hope now seems to be the mood of the city. 

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