L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvaBookofLichMagic の変更点


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Book of Lich<br>
by Stronach k'Thojj III<br>
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The Lich School of Magic is actually not a school at all but superior way to manage the use of Magicka, thus prolonging the duration of spells. The idea of Schools of Magicka was first dreamed up by Vanus, the original Archmage of the Mages Guild. The Mages Guild schools of magic are a reflection of their polices and were never widely adopted by Vanus's mortal enemy, Mannimarco or his followers. Followers of Mannimarco, also known as the Order of the Black Worm developed a system of leach like magic, that fed of the caster in order to work last for extended periods of time. 
The casters ability to regenerate Magicka is what makes the caster a good or bad student in the ways of the Lich. As a student in the arts of Lich, you learn which combinations of spells work best together and still leave you with enough Magicka to perform your normal duties. New comers to the field often cast too many Lich spells and end up with no Magicka left for the rest of the day until the spells wear off.
Lich Spells require the caster to manage his Magicka in order to make effective use of his spells. Some Necromancers usually accept the Mark of Lich because they know it boosts their ability to cast Lich Spells and maintain them, thus making Magicka management a lot easier. 
All Lich Spells drain magicka from the caster to maintain them selves. This slows down the regeneration of Magicka on the caster or can even causes it to drop to zero until the spells wear off. This makes combining Lich Spells with traditional spells, especially Destruction spells often unwise. This in turn leads to Necromancers making heavy use of Lich Spells for protection and summoning whilst adopting 1 of the more traditional methods of attack or becoming a Master of the Staff. 
Ideally the caster uses Lich spells when  they need help over a prolonged period of time. Usually a one or two spells is all they require and that usually leaves them enough magicka to regenerate their reserves whilst the other spells are still in effect. Typically a Necromancer would caste shield and spell reflection spells to avoid the need to wear armour and then summon beasts to do his bidding.

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