L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/kvaBook1TheBookofLich の変更点


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Mark of Lich<br><br>
By Mannimarco.<br>
The Markus Enchantus Lichicus device is a left over from an era when Daedric Princes ruled Tamriel and the mortal races were mear play things for their amusement. 
The slaves of the time that were deemed worthy enough were granted a kind of immortality by the Daedric princes using the Mark of Lich. The Lich we see in ruins and forts today are often what is left of those long forgotten slaves. 
Of course there was always a down side to any gift that the Daedric princes gave so freely and the downside to the Mark of Lich was the psychical body withered away, whilst the mental abilities of the mortal receiving the gift grow beyond normal levels. The heightened mental abilities were said to allow the mortal to ascend to Aetherius and become gods them selves.  
They also became weaker and less likely to with stand the normal punishment the Daedra dished out on a daily basis. So the extended life span offered by the Mark of Lich was often a curse and the Daedric Princes would always remove the Mark of Lich before the slave learned how to make him self immortal using it.  
The Mark of Lich was painful to accept and nearly deadly to remove. Which was why the Daedric princes enjoyed giving it to their most loyal slaves so much. The act of giving was followed by the sight of the slave torturing them selves when they put on the Mark of Lich and the illusion that the Daedra would allow him to keep it. 
A sight no Bad Daedra could resist. 
If a loyal servant ever got out of line, the Prince could easily remove the Mark of Lich and watch the servant get taken almost to the point of death before recovering slightly. 
The Markus Enchantus Lichicus devices were lost long before Saint Alessia rose to power. One was rumoured to have existed in the fabled Lost Tower of Necroumunda and that is part of the reason why Necromancers have been so keen to find that tower. Then 100 years ago another was found buried under the ruins of Kvatch, scholars theorised it was probably the original site for this particular device and as the old settlements here were attack and destroyed many times over the centuries, it was lost and buried and finally forgotten. Lost in time until the day it was rediscovered.  
To day it is part of the facilities of the Kvatch Necromancers Guild and they have improved the device slightly, making it less lethal by building in to it certain safe guards. Now the Mark of Lich appears as an Amulet that a Necromancer can wear. The pain is still there but not as great as it was supposed to be because the Amulet is not as powerful as the original Mark of Lich would have been. 
The safety features require the person using the Markus Enchantus Lichicus device to supply a blacksoul gem and a varla stone before it will work. The enchantments added by the guild then check if the character is actually able to wear the Mark of Lich and if they are not, the device is prevented from running for the users own protection, it's energies expelled harmlessly in to the air. 
If the user is deemed worthy they feel their strength, agility and personality wither away and their Intelligence and Willpower grow. They then find some tasks a little harder to do, such as carrying normal weapons, wearing armour and similar things. But they find using magic much easier and can often cast very powerful spells with enough practice. 
Lich Spells Necromancers favour over Mages Guild spells especially benefit from the Mark of Lich and the wearer of this amulet often makes heavy use of Lich spells to compensate for the problems using it can cause them.  Typically the wearer maintains spells to supply strength and shielding as a magical replacement for what they lost. 

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