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Necromancers Dark Art<br><br>
By Worm King.<br><br>
Necromancy allows us to create powerful Enchantments if the reader can put aside any sense of morality and look at the study of magic with a logical and calm mind. 
With logic and reason we can take our Art forward, on to more interesting areas of study. Such areas need powerful enchantments and those enchantments require Black Soul Gems. These Gems are only available from His Grace and Necromancers wishing to use them need to pay His Grace the proper respect.
It has long been known that filling Grand Soul Gems to capacity would be easier if we could use a ready supply of souls on our door step. But Grand Soul Gems do not allow us to capture a persons soul. So we much make do with lesser Enchantments.
Black Soul Gems have no such restriction and allow us to tap in to the infinite supply of souls that exists in side Cyrodiils major cities. With 1 spell we can fill these Black Soul Gems to capacity and get on with our work. 
These Black Soul Gems can only be created once a week when His Grace shines his shaft of light on to these his Altars at the locations listed below. 
The Dark Fissure<br>
Fort Istirius<br>
Fort Linchal<br>
The light is visible at night from a short distance, but during the day its harder to see unless your stood near the Altar. Those of you wishing to follow the Necromancer path should explore around the Reed River or Gold Road, both to the north and south. We cannot tell you the exact location in this book, it is a carefully guarded secret, but if you want these Gems bad enough, you will find the Altars. 
If you place your empty Grand Soul Gems in side any of those Altars during this time and cast Soul Trap on the Altar then His Grace will change them to Black Soul Gems for you. His Grace demands you cast Soul Trap once for each Grand Soul Gem you wish to be changed. 
Such a small price to pay for the power they bring you.
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These Black Soul Gems can then be used to Trap the Souls of people you kill. Just remember, you need to cast Soul Trap on your Victims first. Then kill them before it wares off. 
One persons Soul can fill your Black Soul Gems to Grand level. That kind of power often produces about 1300pts of Magicka for your use. This translates to over 40% Feather or 20% Cameleon. As opposed to 17% if you have to use Grand Soul Gems to trap other common creatures. 
The Black Soul Gems are powerful gifts from His Grace, so use them wisely.

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