L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/KvaNecomancersforbeginners の変更点


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Necomancers for beginners
by Richus Necromus
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/T_61x61.dds" width=61 height=61>hose new to Necromancy often lose their homes and friends when the start to dabble in this area of magic, or worse, they lose their lives. The reason is often easily avoided by simply applying a little common sense. 
To survive as a beginner in the field you must understand that the creatures you summon are not entirely under your control. Many would be Necromancers have lost their lives when dear old dead gran ripped their heads off after being summoned back to our world.
Others were chased out of town at the end of pitch forks when they took old dead granny for a Sunday walk down the high street of their home town. Clearly the general population are not yet ready to see the dead walking and it is a mistake to force it upon them. Especially during day light hours.
For this reason we keep our art hidden from the pubic for our own protection and yours. 
Further reading includes.
Necromancy the Dark Art.<br>
Corpious Summonus (Instruction manual)<br>
Mark of Lich (Immortality).<br>


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