L10N/Kvatch_Aftermath/7.3/Books/Book1CheapGuideKvatchv2 の変更点


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<font face=1><div align="center">Savlian's<br>
Volume 2 <br>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/f_59x61.dds" width=59 height=61>ather Talos has blessed Kvatch with Guilds, Industry and much more. The Kvatch today is home to  a new Count who has set up workshops and warehouses right across Cyrodiil and promoted trade right across region. Today Kvatch makes armour and weapons for sale across the region using materials found locally such as Ebony and Iron. 
Kvatch is also home to several Guilds, including the Mages Guild which is found near the main gate. The guild focuses on Alchemy mostly and has seen to the beautification of the old slum area behind the church. They gives them access to ingredients but it also makes the area look nice. 
The Fighters Guild is also present in Kvatch and often helps the Count out with vital city business. Especially in and around the Mines. 
Necromancers also moved in to Kvatch, at first secretly wishing to take advantage of some strange powers found in a ruin under the city and later openly. It said the guild practice grave robbing so the newly dead are kept in the Chapels undercroft under lock and key. <br><br>
Kvatch has a fine Weapon Smith, A Spell Shop, an Alchemy Shop and a general store. At weekends merchants sell a variety of goods in the town center. It has become a center of trade in the region for many merchants.<br><br>
Behind the Fighters Guild are the Cyrodiil Regional Office and the Local Council Offices that handle various aspects of Tamriel life and industry. <br><br>
Yes Kvatch had much to be thankful for these days.
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May Atatosh Bless and Save You!

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