L10N/Kingdom_of_Almar/1.4/Books/koaGorfDiary の変更点

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<div align="center"> 
Diary of Captain Dufdain<br>
  Captain of the Guard, Gorfladan Region.<br><div align="left">
  Day 60 of the Siege of Gorfladan
<br><br>Day 64 of the Siege.
The sound of drumming and hammering gets closer by the hour and it looks likely 
that we will not survive this night. I fear once this last line of defences falls, 
so will the rest of city. My spies report giant creatures now guard the exit through 
the Hall of Giants, so there is no escape for us now.<br>
  The enemy managed to infect 2 of my men and they turned in to Soul Reapers or 
  Spirit Harvesters in common speak with in hours. They rampage around the city 
  killing the population. As each person dies, a mist can be seen to leave the 
  body and move towards the last door keeping the enemy out of the city.
<br><br>A voice behind the door gloats night and day at how the souls feed his hunger, 
  he seems to grow stronger with each soul he consumes. A priest tells me that 
  the creature is unholy and that the souls he eats are lost forever. Never to 
  be born again in the after life. A literal death of body and spirit. 
<br><br>Day 65 of the Siege.
The Soul Reapers are heading my way now having killed most of the cities population 
and the voice outside needs only speak loudly and the door will shatter. The power 
it wields is mighty and can be felt through the walls of the defence's. My men 
are visibly shaken and on the verge of returning to their families for one last 
fair well. I have no way and no will to stop them. <br>
<br>Day 66 of the Siege.
<br><br>My men have gone, the Soul Reapers spotted them leaving, they chased them down 
  and killed them to a man. I am the sole survivor it seems. Not a soul in the 
  city survived me, the enemy has won and will soon demand my soul as payment.
<br><br> I intend to deny him that payment.
<br><br>This will be my last entry, I intend to end it before the voice arrives. 

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