L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/povssleyawiinquest の変更点


FormID: 010890BF	povssleyawiinquest	10	0	Numeen told me that Blankenmarch is being attacked by a band of pirates. She suggests I'd take her husband Mahei with me to help.
__Numeen told me that Blankenmarch is being attacked by a band of pirates. She suggests I'd take her husband Mahei with me to help.
FormID: 010890BF	povssleyawiinquest	15	0	Mahei has asked me to find out by myself what we're up against. I should go to Blankenmarch and look for these pirates. Blankenmarch lies to the north east of Leyawiin.
__Mahei wants me to find out by myself what we're up against. I should go to Blankenmarch.
FormID: 010890BF	povssleyawiinquest	20	0	I'd better report back to Mahei.
__I'd better report back to Mahei.
FormID: 010890BF	povssleyawiinquest	25	0	I need to escort Mahei to the pirate party at Blankenmarch.
__I need to escort Mahei to the pirate party at Blankenmarch.
FormID: 010890BF	povssleyawiinquest	30	0	Maybe Frederick can leave now.
__Maybe Frederick can leave now.
FormID: 010890BF	povssleyawiinquest	40	0	Frederick was able to leave, and rewarded me with a rather expensive toy cutlass. I'm sure there'll be someone out there who is interested in things like that.
__Frederick was able to leave, and rewarded me with a rather expensive toy cutlass. I'm sure there'll be someone out there who is interested in things like that.

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