L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/povsslastingredients2 の変更点


FormID: 0102230E	povsslastingredients2	10	0	One of the ingredients I need for the violet component is a Potion of Cure Drunkenness. I should go to the Five Claws Lodge in Leyawiin because the owner there often has problems with drunk people.
__すみれ色のコンポーネントに必要な品物の1つはPotion of Cure Drunkennessである。所有者に酔っぱらいに関する問題を抱えるLeyawiinのthe five claws lodgeに行くべきだ。
FormID: 0102230E	povsslastingredients2	11	0	S'drassa told me I should ask the mage Juliette Capulette about a cure for drunkenness. I should be able to find her in Abergarlas, an ayleid ruin which I can reach through either Dzonot, Sideways or Sinkhole Cave. These caves can all be found somewhere around the Imperial City.
__S'drassaは、酩酊の療法に関して魔術師のJuliette Capuletteに尋ねるべきであると言った。Dzonot Cave、Sideways CaveあるいはSinkhole Caveのいずれかを通り抜けてたどり着けるayleid遺跡、Abergarlasで彼女を見つけることができる。
FormID: 0102230E	povsslastingredients2	15	0	Juliette told me that she sold all her Potions of Cure Drunkenness to a fat monk called Tuck Little. I can find him at Sanguine's Shrine, which is between Chorrol and Skingrad.
__Julietteは、彼女がTuck Littleと呼ばれる太っている僧にすべてのPotions of Cure Drunkennessを売ったと言った。Sanguineの聖域で彼を見つけることができる。
FormID: 0102230E	povsslastingredients2	20	0	I think I now understand what the term 'wild goose chase' means. I can find Robin at Fort Coldcorn, which lies to the east of Chorrol.
__「無駄な努力」という言葉の意味を考察しているところだ。Fort ColdcornでRobinを見つけよう。
FormID: 0102230E	povsslastingredients2	22	0	This is what comes of getting involved with murderous thugs! Still, I have no idea where Violetta Phillida is. Perhaps the future will bring insights. Once Ilplanderin has the ingredients I'd better complete the bargain while he's making the last component. I am supposed to meet him at Bramblepoint cave.
__これは、殺意に満ちた凶悪犯と関係することから生じることだ!一旦Ilplanderinが成分を持つならば、彼が最後のコンポーネントを作る間、お買い得品を完了した方がよい。彼をBramblepoint Caveで出迎えると思われる。
FormID: 0102230E	povsslastingredients2	24	0	I should now escort Violetta Phillida to Fort Coldcorn, so she can meet her new lover Carew Little. Fort Coldcorn lies to the east of Chorrol.
__Violetta PhillidaをFort Coldcornにエスコートするべきであるので、彼女は恋人Carew Littleに会うことができる。
FormID: 0102230E	povsslastingredients2	26	0	When we arrived at Fort Coldcorn, Robin told me he wanted to show me something. I should follow him.
__Fort Coldcornに到着したところ、Robinは「見せたいものがある」と言った。彼について行こう。
FormID: 0102230E	povsslastingredients2	28	0	The little yellow god has taken his Green Eye back, and Carew did not live to tell. I should tell Violetta the bad news.
__The little yellow god has taken his Green Eye back, and Carew did not live to tell. I should tell Violetta the bad news.
FormID: 0102230E	povsslastingredients2	30	0	I told Violetta that Carew is dead. She will bury him and tend his grave forever.
__I told Violetta that Carew is dead. She will bury him and tend his grave forever.

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