L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/povssenvyquest の変更点


FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	10	0	I should visit Alawen at Troll Candle Camp to see if she knows anything about the bow. Troll Candle Camp lies between Kvatch and Anvil.
__I should visit Alawen at Troll Candle Camp to see if she knows anything about the bow.
__彼女が弓について何かを知っているか確認するためにTroll Candle CampまでAlawenを訪ねなければならない。Troll Candle Campは、KvatchとAnvilの間にある。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	15	0	Lemmy suggested I'd ask around at Bruma. Maybe someone there knows where I can find Jago.
__Lemmy suggested I'd ask around at Bruma. Maybe someone there knows where I can find Jago.
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	17	0	It sounds like Gerich Sanarel probably knows more about Jago.
__It sounds like Gerich Sanarel probably knows more about Jago.
__Gerich SanarelがJagoのことを詳しく知っているらしい。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	20	0	I can find Oddfellow's wife, Testemonia, at Lyra Rosentia's house in Bruma.
__I can find Oddfellow's wife, Testemonia, at Lyra Rosentia's house.
__Oddfellowの妻であるTestemoniaをBrumaのLyra Rosentiaの家で見つけることができる。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	22	0	I need to visit Oddfellow, who is staying at an empty house next to Summitmist Manor in Skingrad.
__I need to visit Oddfellow, who is staying at an empty house next to Summitmist Manor in Skingrad.
__Oddfellowを訪ねる必要がある。彼の人はSkingradでSummitmist Manorから二軒目の空き家に滞在している。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	25	0	I will have to find a bow that is better than Jago's bow. I should ask the owner of The Archer's Paradox in Bravil.
__I will have to find a bow that is better than Jago's bow. I should ask the owner of The Archer's Paradox in Bravil.
__Jagoの弓よりよい弓を見つけなければならない。BravilにあるArcher's Paradoxの店主に尋ねなければならない。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	27	0	I should go back to Alawen and ask her about achieving abnormal skill in archery.
__I should go back to Alawen and ask her about achieving abnormal skill in archery.
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	30	0	I should use the scrying glass Alawen gave me to discover the location of the others.
__I should use the scrying glass Alawen gave me to discover the location of the others.
__Alawenが他の位置を発見するためにくれたScrying Glassを使わなければならない。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	35	0	Bustia has travelled quickly. I'd better hurry.
__Bustia has travelled quickly. I'd better hurry.
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	37	0	This is my chance to catch up with her. I should go to Walker Camp as fast as possible.
__This is my chance to catch up with her. I should go to Walker Camp as fast as possible.
__彼女に追いつくチャンスだ。できるだけ速く、Walker Campへ行かなければならない。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	40	0	The scrying glasses were a trick from a mage at Fort Naso, which lies to the south east of Cheydinhal. I should kill him before someone else is harmed. 
__The scrying glasses were a trick from a mage at Fort Naso. I should kill him before someone else is harmed.
__Scrying GlassはCheydinhalの南東にあるFort Nasoの魔術師からのトリックだった。他の誰かが傷つけられる前に、彼を殺さなければならない。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	42	0	I have killed the mage. I should talk to Bustia.
__I have killed the mage.
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	44	0	I should return to Alawen when I have all the scrying glasses. There should be one in Fort Naso as well.
__I should return to Alawen when I have all the scrying glasses.
__すべてのScrying Glassを得たらAlawenの元へに戻らなければならない。Fort Nasoにひとつあるはずだ。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	45	0	Bustia followed me back to Alawen.
__Bustia followed me to Alawen.
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	47	0	It's time to challenge Jago to a contest. I can find him at Toadstool Hollow, which lies to the south east of Bruma. I should use the bow Bustia gave me, because it looks a lot more convincing than any bow I could get my hands on right now. I should get a decent supply of arrows too.
__It's time to challenge Jago to a contest. I can find him at Toadstool Hollow. I should use the bow Bustia gave me, because that would be more convincing than when using an iron bow. I should get a decent supply of arrows too.
__Jagoに競争を挑む時だ。彼をBrumaの南東にあるToadstool Hollowで見つけることができる。Bustiaからもらった弓が手に入る他のどんな弓よりも説得力があるように見えるため、それを使わないといけない。矢についてもきちんとした供給を得るべきだ。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	49	0	Jago accepted my challenge and we will meet at Hircine's Shrine, which lies to the south of the Imperial City.
__Jago accepted my challenge and we will meet at Hircine's Shrine.
__Jagoは挑戦を受け、帝都の南方にあるHircine's Shrineで会うことになった。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	50	0	The contest has started. As soon as Jago is gone I should find a suitable spot to fight the bears and then drink the potions. I hope this works.
__The contest has started. As soon as Jago is gone I should drink the potions. I hope this works.
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	51	0	I now have 9 bear skins and Jago isn't back yet, so I won! I should wait a couple of hours for him to come back.
__I now have 9 bear skins and Jago isn't back yet, so I won! I should wait for him to come back.
__勝利だ!Jagoが戻る前に9枚のBear Skinを手に入れた。Jagoが戻ってくるまで数時間待つべきだろう。
FormID: 0102F2DA	povssenvyquest	52	0	It seems Jago was not invincible when fighting himself.
__It seems Jago was not invincible when fighting himself.

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