L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/povsscrownofstarsquest の変更点


FormID: 0106E15D	povsscrownofstarsquest	5	0	I have found a valuable gem stolen by bandits. If I can find the owner he will probably reward me well. Perhaps I should start by asking at the jewelry store in the Imperial City Market District.
__盗賊によって盗まれたと思われる高価そうな宝石を見つけた。持ち主に返すことができればお礼を期待できる気がする。まずは帝都のMarket Districtにある宝石店で尋ねてみるべきだろう。
FormID: 0106E15D	povsscrownofstarsquest	10	0	Hamlof Red-Tooth from the Red Diamond Jewelry Store in the Imperial City has asked me to look for the seven 'stars' that have been stolen from him by bandits. He doesn't know where the bandits may have gone, but guessed that the gems could be found in the right bandit camps. There are many camps so there's no point in actively looking for the gems but maybe I should take a closer look at bandit camps when I pass by them. I should hold onto any gems I find until I have all seven.
__Hamlof Red-Toothから盗まれた7つの『星』を探すよう頼まれた。どこにあるかわからないので積極的に捜すほどでもない。ただ、7個すべてを揃えるまで『星』を持ち続けなければならない。
FormID: 0106E15D	povsscrownofstarsquest	20	0	Hamlof Red-Tooth has put the seven stars back into place and rewarded me with a new power.
__Hamlof Red-Toothは7つの『星』を正しく王冠に戻し、王冠の持つ力で労苦に報いてくれた。
FormID: 0106E15D	povsscrownofstarsquest	25	0	I decided that I did not want to help Hamlof find his star gems.

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