L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/povssbruma3quest の変更点


FormID: 010C5021	povssbruma3quest	10	0	I should ask Gan Luseph, the healer over at Bruma Castle, if he knows of a way to stop Olfand's wife Skjorta from drinking.
__I should ask Gan Luseph, the healer over at Bruma Castle, if he knows of a way to stop Olfand's wife Skjorta from drinking.
FormID: 010C5021	povssbruma3quest	15	0	If I can collect the bitter aloes we can start this alcohol aversion therapy. Unfortunately they do not grow in Cyrodiil. However, an alchemist was heard travelling towards Fort Istirus to the east of Kvatch to look for a lost friend, while carrying bitter aloes for good luck. I should try to find him.
__find 3 aloes  County Kvatch along the banks of the Brena river. 
FormID: 010C5021	povssbruma3quest	17	0	I have found the corpse of the alchemist, James. Possibly next to the corpse of Madison. It looks like their water purification project has come to an end. I should bring the bitter aloes James is carrying to Gan Luseph.
__I have found the corpse of the alchemist, James. Possibly next to the corpse of Madison. It looks like their water purification project has come to an end. I should bring the bitter aloes James is carrying to Gan Luseph.
FormID: 010C5021	povssbruma3quest	20	0	Now that I have the Aversion to Alcohol Potion I should bring it to Olfand.
__got potions give to olfand
FormID: 010C5021	povssbruma3quest	100	0	I have given Olfand the Aversion to Alcohol Potion and he rewarded me with a claymore.

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