L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/povssbrindlehomequest の変更点


FormID: 01072082	povssbrindlehomequest	5	0	This piece of armor looks interesting. Seems to be the kind of thing someone might be looking for, I'll hang on to it for now. If anyone in a city knew about it I'm sure I'd have heard about it.  Perhaps I'll run into someone looking for this in one of the villages of Cyrodiil some time.
__This piece of armor looks interesting. Seems to be the kind of thing someone might be looking for, I'll hang on to it for now. If anyone in a city knew about it I'm sure I'd have heard about it.  Perhaps I'll run into someone looking for this in one of the villages of Cyrodiil some time.
FormID: 01072082	povssbrindlehomequest	10	0	Torbal wants to know what I think of the Heavenly Armor pamphlet after hearing the arguments against its vadility from Merildor and those in favour from Astante.
__Torbal wants to know what I think of the Heavenly Armor pamphlet after hearing the arguments against its vadility from Merildor and those in favour from Astante.
FormID: 01072082	povssbrindlehomequest	15	0	Merildor obviously thinks it's a hoax.
__Merildor obviously thinks it's a hoax.
FormID: 01072082	povssbrindlehomequest	20	0	Astante seems to believe that the story is true.
__Astante seems to believe that the story is true.
FormID: 01072082	povssbrindlehomequest	30	0	I was of no help to Torbal, but if I ever find any Heavenly Armour pieces I should show them to him.
__I was of no help to Torbal, but if I ever find any Heavenly Armour pieces I should show them to him.
FormID: 01072082	povssbrindlehomequest	35	0	I proved to Merildor that the armor does exist, and as promised he has given me his ebony mace.
__I proved to Merildor that the armor does exist, and as promised he has given me his ebony mace.

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