L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/povssbravil3quest の変更点


FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	10	0	I've heard that someone in the Leyawiin Mages Guild Mages Guild is researching skooma addiction and is on the way to finding a cure. They could probably use some help.
__I've heard that someone in the Leyawiin Mages Guild Mages Guild is researching skooma addiction and is on the way to finding a cure. They could probably use some help.
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	15	0	That guy on the island south of Anvil who needed meat for his 'barbie' used a lot of strange words.  Maybe he can help.
__That guy on the island south of Anvil who needed meat for his 'barbie' used a lot of strange words.  Maybe he can help.
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	20	0	So next to the pooped godfly stingers and behemoth toes which I'll have to ask a few alchemists about I'll need a beer, mutton and crab meat.
__So next to the pooped godfly stingers and behemoth toes which I'll have to ask a few alchemists about I'll need a beer, mutton and crab meat.
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	25	0	I will have to find juice of the bittergreen plant. I can probably find some in Bleakers Way, but I will have to steal it.
__I will have to find juice of the bittergreen plant. I can probably find some in Bleakers Way, but I will have to steal it.
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	30	0	I should talk to Newheim the Portly about whether he knows about any visitors from Elsweyr.
__I should talk to Newheim the Portly about whether he knows about any visitors from Elsweyr.
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	35	0	Newheim saw three Wood Elf brothers who came from Elsweyr. They are probably resting at the Brina Cross Inn or the Gottshaw Inn.
__Newheim saw three Wood Elf brothers who came from Elsweyr. They are probably resting at the Brina Cross Inn or the Gottshaw Inn.
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	40	0	The three Wood Elf brothers were heading towards Crestbridge Camp.
__The three Wood Elf brothers were heading towards Crestbridge Camp.
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	45	0	I should tell Shuravi at the Three Sisters Inn that the cure for skooma addiction is almost ready.
__I should tell Shuravi at the Three Sisters Inn that the cure for skooma addiction is almost ready.
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	50	0	S'drassa should be done with brewing the potion by now.
__S'drassa should be done with brewing the potion by now.
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	55	0	I must take a potion to Rose Red. 
__I must take a potion to Rose Red. 
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	60	0	Rose Red has rewarded me for the cure. Maybe I'll offer the other one at the skooma den.
__Rose Red has rewarded me for the cure. Maybe I'll offer the other one at the skooma den.
FormID: 0108F9F9	povssbravil3quest	70	0	I think this might be a good moment to make a tactical withdrawal.
__I think this might be a good moment to make a tactical withdrawal.

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