L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/povssanvil2quest の変更点


FormID: 0108A59E	povssanvil2quest	10	0	Hasathil wants me to collect the 6 plates that the guests from her party took with him. Unfortunately she didn't tell me who the guests were. It should be safe to assume that the guests all reside in Anvil.
__Hasathil wants me to collect the 6 plates that the guests from her party took with him. Unfortunately she didn't tell me who the guests were. It should be safe to assume that the guests all reside in Anvil.
FormID: 0108A59E	povssanvil2quest	15	0	S'shani accidentally broke one of the plates, but Wilhelm the Worm might have another one like it.
__S'shani accidentally broke one of the plates, but Wilhelm the Worm might have another one like it.
FormID: 0108A59E	povssanvil2quest	20	0	Didier Aumile is in possession of a plate with the Emperor's crest.
__Didier Aumile is in possession of a plate with the Emperor's crest.
FormID: 0108A59E	povssanvil2quest	25	0	Didier Aumile will trade the plate for a dog painting. Now where am I going to find one of those? Surely only someone who loves dogs very much would be in possession of one. I've heard that there's a couple with dogs living in Chorrol, perhaps I should ask around there.
__Didier Aumile will trade the plate for a dog painting. Now where am I going to find one of those? Surely only someone who loves dogs very much would be in possession of one. I've heard that there's a couple with dogs living in Chorrol, perhaps I should ask around there.
FormID: 0108A59E	povssanvil2quest	30	0	I should tell S'shani that I've found a plate to replace the broken one with.
__I should tell S'shani that I've found a plate to replace the broken one with.
FormID: 0108A59E	povssanvil2quest	35	0	S'shani thanked me for finding a replacement for the broken plate. Once I have all six plates I should give them back to Hasathil.
__S'shani thanked me for finding a replacement for the broken plate. Once I have all six plates I should give them back to Hasathil.
FormID: 0108A59E	povssanvil2quest	40	0	I have found all six plates and should give them back to Hasathil.
__I have found all six plates and should give them back to Hasathil.
FormID: 0108A59E	povssanvil2quest	50	0	Hasathil has rewarded me with an expensive golden ring.
__Hasathil has rewarded me with an expensive golden ring.

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