L10N/KDQ/2.03/QuestStages/povssZoomorphQuest の変更点


FormID: 010EE782	povssZoomorphQuest	10	0	I need to deliver a document to Master Gabbe, who is currently 'exercising' in Fort Chalman, which lies to the north east of the Imperial City. Walt Sidney would be extra generous if I killed him instead.
__I need to deliver a document to Master Gabbe, who is currently 'exercising' in Fort Chalman, which lies to the north east of the Imperial City. Walt Sidney would be extra generous if I killed him instead.
FormID: 010EE782	povssZoomorphQuest	15	0	Well I'd better tell Walt Sidney that I've handed over the document.
__Well I'd better tell Walt Sidney that I've handed over the document.
FormID: 010EE782	povssZoomorphQuest	20	0	I can't use this voucher.  If I hold on to it and find a member of the performing arts at any time I can see what they'll give for it. Or I can sell it to a merchant for a lower price.
__I can't use this voucher.  If I hold on to it and find a member of the performing arts at any time I can see what they'll give for it. Or I can sell it to a merchant for a lower price.

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