L10N/KDQ/2.03/Dialogue/povsstheoneringquest-01 の変更点


FormID: 0105A9C8	povsstheoneringquest	GREETING	0	I know why you're here. Yes, I have an alembic. I always have a selection of my inventory with me to maximise marketing opportunity.	
__Yes I have one. I always have a selection of my inventory with me to maximise marketing opportunity. It will cost you 50000 gold.
FormID: 0105A9C8	povsstheoneringquest	GREETING	1	 It will cost you 50000 gold. Alternatively if you aid me, I'll give it to you for nothing.	
__Alternatively if you aid me, I'll give it to you for nothing.
FormID: 0105A9CD	povsstheoneringquest	GREETING	0	You have found my notebook. Alright then, here's your alembic. Thanks!	
__Alright then, here's your alembic. Thanks!
FormID: 0105A9CF	povsstheoneringquest	GREETING	0	Thank you. Do you have a receipt for payment?	
__Thank you. Do you have a receipt for payment?
FormID: 01078A10	povsstheoneringquest	GREETING	0	[You suddenly notice that The One Ring is in your pocket]	
__[You suddenly notice that The One Ring is in your pocket]
FormID: 01078A10	povsstheoneringquest	GREETING	1	Ah! You have forged my ring for me. I wonder what I should do with you?  Before I decide, tell me, why did you do it?	
__Ah! You have forged my ring for me. I wonder what I should do with you?  Before I decide, tell me, why did you do it?
FormID: 0107AE7E	povsstheoneringquest	GREETING	0	Changed your mind yet?	
__Changed your mind yet?
FormID: 0107BE5B	povsstheoneringquest	GREETING	0	Now it has gone. As for me, I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain Saurian Sid.	
__Now it has gone. As for me, I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain Saurian Sid.
FormID: 0105A9BE	povsstheoneringquest	phebe1yes	0	Oh yes I could hardly forget him. He was such a nice man. He fell sick and thought that his time here was at an end and confessed his sins to me.	
__Oh yes I could hardly forget him. He was such a nice man. He fell sick and thought that his time here was at an end and confessed his sins to me.
FormID: 0105A9BE	povsstheoneringquest	phebe1yes	1	Not that he had many to confess. He really wanted to tell me all about this wonderful ring he had created.	
__Not that he had many to confess. He really wanted to tell me all about this wonderful ring he had created.
FormID: 0105A9BE	povsstheoneringquest	phebe1yes	2	When he found out he was recovering, he swore me to secrecy.	
__When he found out he was recovering, he swore me to secrecy.
FormID: 0105A9C0	povsstheoneringquest	phebe2yes	0	I really shouldn't say anything about it. But...  We have a serious problem here at the moment.	
__I really shouldn't say anything about it. But...  We have a serious problem here at the moment.
FormID: 0105A9C0	povsstheoneringquest	phebe2yes	1	If you can help with that I'll tell you some things he said about the ring.	
__If you can help with that I'll tell you some things he said about the ring.
FormID: 0105A9C2	povsstheoneringquest	phebe3yes	0	We make and sell potions. Our speciality is healing potions from lady's mantle leaves.	
__We make and sell potions. Our speciality is healing potions from lady's mantle leaves.
FormID: 0105A9C2	povsstheoneringquest	phebe3yes	1	This requires specialist equipment and annoyingly a visitor accidentally broke our alembic last week.	
__This requires specialist equipment and annoyingly a visitor accidentally broke our alembic last week.
FormID: 0105A9C4	povsstheoneringquest	phebe4yes	0	Awkwardly the only person who makes the alembic we need, Lydia Dustbin, is currently away researching Felgageldt cave.	
__Awkwardly the only person who makes the alembic we need, Lydia Dustbin, is currently away researching Felgageldt cave.
FormID: 0105A9C4	povsstheoneringquest	phebe4yes	1	This is not a place women of the cloth can visit.	
__This is not a place women of the cloth can visit.
FormID: 0105A9C4	povsstheoneringquest	phebe4yes	2	If you can go to see her for us and order a new alembic, or buy it if she has one with her, I'd be happy to talk.	
__If you can go to see her for us and order a new alembic, or buy it if she has one with her, I'd be happy to talk.
FormID: 0105A9C4	povsstheoneringquest	phebe4yes	3	Get a receipt for whatever you pay and I'll willingly reimburse you for any reasonable sum.	
__Get a receipt for whatever you pay and I'll willingly reimburse you for any reasonable sum.
FormID: 0105A9CA	povsstheoneringquest	lydia1yes	0	I was just finishing up in there when a group of bandits burst in. I had to flee. Nothing of importance was left except my research note book.	
__I was just finishing up in there when a group of bandits burst in. I had to flee. Nothing of importance was left except my research note book.
FormID: 0105A9CA	povsstheoneringquest	lydia1yes	1	If you can bring it to me I'll happily part with the alembic.	
__If you can bring it to me I'll happily part with the alembic.
FormID: 0105A9D1	povsstheoneringquest	phebe5yes	0	Then I cannot repay you. The auditors would be all over me!	
__Then I cannot repay you. The auditors would be all over me!
FormID: 0105A9D3	povsstheoneringquest	phebe6yes	0	Do you know anything about the hierarchy?	
__Do you know anything about the hierarchy?
FormID: 0105A9D5	povsstheoneringquest	phebe7yes	0	If you intend to help him, you will also need a ring blank and take them to the Crucible of Doom. This will be very, very difficult for you.	
__If you intend to help him, you will also need a ring blank and take them to the Crucible of Doom. This will be very, very difficult for you.
FormID: 0105A9D5	povsstheoneringquest	phebe7yes	1	It is in possession of Hermaeus Mora.	
__It is in possession of Hermaeus Mora.
FormID: 0105A9D5	povsstheoneringquest	phebe7yes	2	If you fulfil several conditions the prince might let you use it but if it's in his realm you can rest assured it will be for one time only.	
__If you fulfil several conditions the prince might let you use it but if it's in his realm you can rest assured it will be for one time only.
FormID: 0105A9D5	povsstheoneringquest	phebe7yes	3	So have everything else ready before you attempt to visit him.	
__So have everything else ready before you attempt to visit him.
FormID: 0105A9D7	povsstheoneringquest	phebe8yes	0	Years ago Sid used to live in Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad. He left it with some other treasure. There's a note about it somewhere in the house.	
__Years ago Sid used to live in Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad. He left it with some other treasure. There's a note about it somewhere in the house.
FormID: 0105A9D9	povsstheoneringquest	phebe9yes	0	As a wizard Sid has lived for a very long time. He has met many people who are not easy to reach any more.	
__As a wizard Sid has lived for a very long time. He has met many people who are not easy to reach any more.
FormID: 0105A9D9	povsstheoneringquest	phebe9yes	1	He told me the rings were given to Dareloth, the Night Mother, the Countess of Skingrad, Mannimarco, Mankar Camoran...	
__He told me the rings were given to Dareloth, the Night Mother, the Countess of Skingrad, Mannimarco, Mankar Camoran...

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