L10N/KDQ/2.03/Dialogue/povsspridequest-01 の変更点


FormID: 0102FD90	povsspridequest	GREETING	0	A visitor come to admire me. You have brought a gift I trust. I never allow others to look on my radiance for nothing.  5000 gold.	
__A visitor come to admire me. You have brought a gift I trust. I never allow others to look on my radiance for nothing.  5000 gold.
FormID: 0103079B	povsspridequest	GREETING	0	Well done, my friend. But it is still only half a map. The next piece was given to one of those who have taken over Fort Strand.	
__Well done, my friend. But it is still only half a map. The next piece was given to one of those who have taken over Fort Strand.
FormID: 0103079C	povsspridequest	GREETING	0	One piece left. I hope this will not be the hardest. It is in Castle Anvil. I am told you it is best to take a secret passage to find it.	
__One piece left. I hope this will not be the hardest. It is in Castle Anvil. I am told you it is best to take a secret passage to find it.
FormID: 0103079C	povsspridequest	GREETING	1	It is on a garden terrace overlooking the sea. Good luck.	
__It is on a garden terrace overlooking the sea. Good luck.
FormID: 0103079D	povsspridequest	GREETING	0	Friend, you indeed deserve the ring. Unfortunately I cannot tell you exactly where it is as the instructions are in the form of a riddle.	
__Friend, you indeed deserve the ring. Unfortunately I cannot tell you exactly where it is as the instructions are in the form of a riddle.
FormID: 0103079D	povsspridequest	GREETING	1	It is certainly in Anvil. Here's some gold as well, thanks and goodbye!	
__It is certainly in Anvil. Here's some gold as well, thanks and goodbye!
FormID: 010307CA	povsspridequest	GREETING	0	Back again? Do you fancy me or something. You are not my type. Scram!	
__Back again? Do you fancy me or something. You are not my type. Scram!
FormID: 010307D0	povsspridequest	GREETING	0	Did she eat the apple?	
__Did she eat the apple?
FormID: 010307BB	povsspridequest	GREETING	0	Have you returned to gaze upon my beauty again?	
__Have you returned to gaze upon my beauty again?
FormID: 0102F306	povsspridequest	povpride	0	Yes. The one Iniel found me was stolen from the basement. I don't want it back but you can see if there is any evidence as to where it has gone.	
__Yes. The one Iniel found me was stolen from the basement. I don't want it back but you can see if there is any evidence as to where it has gone.
FormID: 0102F321	povsspridequest	povpride	0	How in Zenithar's name did you learn about that? No. I don't want to know.  And let me tell you, you don't want to know either!	
__How in Zenithar's name did you learn about that? No. I don't want to know.  And let me tell you, you don't want to know either!
FormID: 0102F2EF	povsspridequest	pride1yes	0	Used to work for Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak, or his estate in north-east Cyrodiil. I think the old boy must be pretty strapped for cash these days.	
__Used to work for Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak, or his estate in north-east Cyrodiil. I think the old boy must be pretty strapped for cash these days.
FormID: 0102F2EF	povsspridequest	pride1yes	1	He never replaced the servants after Cowrin and Wee Skeekit died. Still it's a place to start looking.	
__He never replaced the servants after Cowrin and Wee Skeekit died. Still it's a place to start looking.
FormID: 0102F2F1	povsspridequest	lordR1yes	0	Their roomage is separatified across the garden from my own palacious commode.	
__Their roomage is separatified across the garden from my own palacious commode.
FormID: 0102F2F6	povsspridequest	LordR2yes	0	It is undenyingly misfortunate that my two membranes of stave pissed out of this world without tissue.	
__It is undenyingly misfortunate that my two membranes of stave pissed out of this world without tissue.
FormID: 0102F2F6	povsspridequest	LordR2yes	1	I inspected an announcing of their demist in the Courier requestering any hairs to come here and disestablish their attritions. No one came.	
__I inspected an announcing of their demist in the Courier requestering any hairs to come here and disestablish their attritions. No one came.
FormID: 0102F2F6	povsspridequest	LordR2yes	2	Eventuately I felt enough time had collapsed for me to dispossess myself of them in alternating means. I sold them.	
__Eventuately I felt enough time had collapsed for me to dispossess myself of them in alternating means. I sold them.
FormID: 0102F2F8	povsspridequest	lordR3yes	0	There existeth near unto here a periodical market for the selling of footwear. Others bring carts of productions for sale.	
__There existeth near unto here a periodical market for the selling of footwear. Others bring carts of productions for sale.
FormID: 0102F2F8	povsspridequest	lordR3yes	1	I dispossessed myself of the unwanted attritions at this cart boot sale.	
__I dispossessed myself of the unwanted attritions at this cart boot sale.
FormID: 0102F2FA	povsspridequest	LordR4yes	0	Yes. It was a constriction of shiny metal. It displeasethed me. In its reflectation I saweth mineself as a membrane of human kind!	
__Yes. It was a constriction of shiny metal. It displeasethed me. In its reflectation I saweth mineself as a membrane of human kind!
FormID: 0102F2FC	povsspridequest	lordr5yes	0	My acknowledgement of the purchasinger is incoherent. Thou mayest ask in the Imperious City. Elven Gardens District.	
__My acknowledgement of the purchasinger is incoherent. Thou mayest ask in the Imperious City. Elven Gardens District.
FormID: 0102F2FC	povsspridequest	lordr5yes	1	That is the full content of my acknowledgement, I am scared to say.	
__That is the full content of my acknowledgement, I am scared to say.
FormID: 0102F2FE	povsspridequest	lordR6yes	0	May you go in pieces.	
__May you go in pieces.
FormID: 010D9785	povsspridequest	povcartbootsale	0	I have no idea. Try the Sintav family.	
__I have no idea. Try the Sintav family.
FormID: 0102F300	povsspridequest	povcartbootsale	0	Talk to uncle Iniel. He's the one that goes to that sort of thing.	
__Talk to uncle Iniel. He's the one that goes to that sort of thing.
FormID: 0102F301	povsspridequest	povcartbootsale	0	I do so enjoy rummaging about for odds and ends, don't you. Sometimes my neighbours here to ask me to have a little root about for them too.	
__I do so enjoy rummaging about for odds and ends, don't you. Sometimes my neighbours here to ask me to have a little root about for them too.
FormID: 0102F303	povsspridequest	iniel1yes	0	Othrelos asked me to look out for a shield. I found one for him. I would never have taken it for myself. It felt all wrong.	
__Othrelos asked me to look out for a shield. I found one for him. I would never have taken it for myself. It felt all wrong.
FormID: 0102F303	povsspridequest	iniel1yes	1	When I looked at it it was like a mirror but it reflected me as a lot younger than I am. It was a bit distressing actually.	
__When I looked at it it was like a mirror but it reflected me as a lot younger than I am. It was a bit distressing actually.
FormID: 0102F303	povsspridequest	iniel1yes	2	I gave it to Othrelos but he doesn't have it any more. It was stolen.	
__I gave it to Othrelos but he doesn't have it any more. It was stolen.
FormID: 0102F305	povsspridequest	iniel2yes	0	He didn't much like it either so he put it in his basement. But he said it had a sort of eerie fascination and he kept going to look at it.	
__He didn't much like it either so he put it in his basement. But he said it had a sort of eerie fascination and he kept going to look at it.
FormID: 0102F305	povsspridequest	iniel2yes	1	And then less than two days later, it was gone. He is adamant no one came into the house through his front door.	
__And then less than two days later, it was gone. He is adamant no one came into the house through his front door.
FormID: 0102F305	povsspridequest	iniel2yes	2	Whoever took it must have come in through the sewers. But he didn't go to look for clues. Neither would I. We all know what horrors lurk down there.	
__Whoever took it must have come in through the sewers. But he didn't go to look for clues. Neither would I. We all know what horrors lurk down there.
FormID: 0102F305	povsspridequest	iniel2yes	3	Still, you're an adventurous looking type. Start on Othrelos's basement and see what you find. His house is in the Elven Gardens District as well.	
__Still, you're an adventurous looking type. Start on Othrelos's basement and see what you find. His house is in the Elven Gardens District as well.
FormID: 0102F323	povsspridequest	abhuki1yes	0	You have a death wish? All right but if I tell you I need you to help with a boring chore I have to do.	
__You have a death wish? All right but if I tell you I need you to help with a boring chore I have to do.
FormID: 0102F323	povsspridequest	abhuki1yes	1	If you will I'll give you a whole series of reasons why you won't want to meet Camilla.	
__If you will I'll give you a whole series of reasons why you won't want to meet Camilla.
FormID: 0102F325	povsspridequest	abhuki2yes	0	Camilla only spends a part of her year in her 'residence'. Most of the time she lives in the various Inns and rooming houses of Cyrodiil.	
__Camilla only spends a part of her year in her 'residence'. Most of the time she lives in the various Inns and rooming houses of Cyrodiil.
FormID: 0102F325	povsspridequest	abhuki2yes	1	At their expense of course. From time to time she likes to remind us all of her requirements and I am deputed this task. Why me, I do not know.  	
__At their expense of course. From time to time she likes to remind us all of her requirements and I am deputed this task. Why me, I do not know.  
FormID: 0102F325	povsspridequest	abhuki2yes	2	She lives nowhere near here but it has become 'tradition'. So once a year I get 32 letters to deliver. One is for me of course.	
__She lives nowhere near here but it has become 'tradition'. So once a year I get 32 letters to deliver. One is for me of course.
FormID: 0102F325	povsspridequest	abhuki2yes	3	Now fortunately I have a relative in the Black Horse Courier Office. They deliver the letters to all the cities, Wawnet Inn and The Bloated Float.	
__Now fortunately I have a relative in the Black Horse Courier Office. They deliver the letters to all the cities, Wawnet Inn and The Bloated Float.
FormID: 0102F325	povsspridequest	abhuki2yes	4	It still means 12 deliveries. While I do this I have to close up here and lose business.	
__It still means 12 deliveries. While I do this I have to close up here and lose business.
FormID: 0102F325	povsspridequest	abhuki2yes	5	I won't ask you to do all 12 but if you'll split them 50/50 I'll tell you what you really won't want to know. Is it a deal?	
__I won't ask you to do all 12 but if you'll split them 50/50 I'll tell you what you really won't want to know. Is it a deal?
FormID: 0102F32B	povsspridequest	abhuki2yes	0	Thank you. Here is a small reward for your help.  Now do you really want to know about Camilla?	
__Thank you. Here is a small reward for your help.  Now do you really want to know about Camilla?
FormID: 0102F329	povsspridequest	abhuki3yes	0	Very well take these six letters. One is to go to each of the following; Border Watch Inn, Drunken Dragon Inn, Goodwill Inn, Gottshaw Inn...	
__Very well take these six letters. One is to go to each of the following; Border Watch Inn, Drunken Dragon Inn, Goodwill Inn, Gottshaw Inn...
FormID: 0102F329	povsspridequest	abhuki3yes	1	The Imperial Bridge Inn and Moslin's Inn also get a letter. Don't bother to talk to the proprietors about it. We all believe it brings bad luck.	
__The Imperial Bridge Inn and Moslin's Inn also get a letter. Don't bother to talk to the proprietors about it. We all believe it brings bad luck.
FormID: 0102F329	povsspridequest	abhuki3yes	2	Just drop them inside the doors.	
__Just drop them inside the doors.

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