L10N/KDQ/2.03/Dialogue/povssleyawiinquest-02 の変更点


FormID: 0108D540	povssleyawiinquest	pirateking4yes	1	You should know by now that the more the outward display the less substance there is to the wearer.	
__You should know by now that the more the outward display the less substance there is to the wearer.
FormID: 0108D548	povssleyawiinquest	pirateking4yes	0	Not me. I'm not a singer either. Somehow my liquid high notes get mixed up with my earthy low notes and it all comes out muddy.	
__Not me. I'm not a singer either. Somehow my liquid high notes get mixed up with my earthy low notes and it all comes out muddy.
FormID: 0108D53C	povssleyawiinquest	pirateking5yes	0	In fact they are costumes from one of our productions.	
__In fact they are costumes from one of our productions.
FormID: 0108D53C	povssleyawiinquest	pirateking5yes	1	We are celebrating the successful conclusion to our last production - Princess Bunthorne or the Yeomen of Titipu.	
__We are celebrating the successful conclusion to our last production - Princess Bunthorne or the Yeomen of Titipu.
FormID: 0108D541	povssleyawiinquest	pirateking5yes	0	In a way, but it was really whatever costume was closest to hand.	
__In a way, but it was really whatever costume was closest to hand.
FormID: 0108D541	povssleyawiinquest	pirateking5yes	1	I'm afraid a couple of our number got a bit rowdy before they passed out but nothing threatening.	
__I'm afraid a couple of our number got a bit rowdy before they passed out but nothing threatening.
FormID: 0108D549	povssleyawiinquest	pirateking5yes	0	I fancy wearing ordinary clothes. It's no fun trying to look like one of the three little maids or a ghost or a pole dancer.	
__I fancy wearing ordinary clothes. It's no fun trying to look like one of the three little maids or a ghost or a pole dancer.
FormID: 0108D545	povssleyawiinquest	frederick1yes	0	I was born on one of those special days - you know they only occur once every four years - jump years they are called.	
__I was born on one of those special days - you know they only occur once every four years - jump years they are called.
FormID: 0108D545	povssleyawiinquest	frederick1yes	1	So going by birthdays I'm only five and a bit.	
__So going by birthdays I'm only five and a bit.
FormID: 0108D547	povssleyawiinquest	frederick2yes	0	No. They'll only let me go if I can find someone to replace me.	
__No. They'll only let me go if I can find someone to replace me.
FormID: 0108D54B	povssleyawiinquest	frederick3yes	0	It's a piece where we dress up as boatmen with black boats operated by poles and we have to dance with the poles in our hands. 	
__It's a piece where we dress up as boatmen with black boats operated by poles and we have to dance with the poles in our hands. 
FormID: 0108D54B	povssleyawiinquest	frederick3yes	1	Look, can't you find someone to replace me?	
__Look, can't you find someone to replace me?
FormID: 0108EA0E	povssleyawiinquest	frederick4yes	0	This is really kind. Do you also know somewhere I might stay?	
__This is really kind. Do you also know somewhere I might stay?
FormID: 0108EF3D	povssleyawiinquest	frederick5yes	0	Yes of course. What a brilliant idea. I shall go to Anvil at once and then travel all over Tamriel.	
__Yes of course. What a brilliant idea. I shall go to Anvil at once and then travel all over Tamriel.
FormID: 0108EF3D	povssleyawiinquest	frederick5yes	1	You have helped me so much, please take this reward.	
__You have helped me so much, please take this reward.
FormID: 010B24C4	povssleyawiinquest	povtoysabre	0	That thing looks pretty expensive for a toy sabre.	
__No thanks, I don't need one.
FormID: 010E7AE4	povssleyawiinquest	povtoysabre	0	No thanks, I don't need one.	
__No thanks, I don't need one.
FormID: 010B24C5	povssleyawiinquest	povtoysabre	0	I don't know who would want such a thing.	
__I don't know who would want such a thing.
FormID: 010B24C6	povssleyawiinquest	povtoysabre	0	Why are you asking me?	
__Why are you asking me?
FormID: 010B24C7	povssleyawiinquest	povtoysabre	0	Well that's a coincidence. A few days ago I heard that there's someone staying at the Tiber Septim Hotel who is looking for one!	
__Well that's a coincidence. A few days ago I heard that there's someone staying at the Tiber Septim Hotel who is looking for one!
FormID: 010DD7B4	povssleyawiinquest	mahei1yes	0	When Numeen found me drinking with my new friends she was furious!	
__When Numeen found me drinking with my new friends she was furious!
FormID: 010DD7B4	povssleyawiinquest	mahei1yes	1	After a couple of days she wondered why I hadn't returned and travelled to Blankenmarch to find out herself.	
__After a couple of days she wondered why I hadn't returned and travelled to Blankenmarch to find out herself.
FormID: 010DD7B4	povssleyawiinquest	mahei1yes	2	Hehehe... One of the 'pirates' tried to stop her from dragging me back to Leyawiin, explaining that I was bound to stay with them by contract.	
__Hehehe... One of the 'pirates' tried to stop her from dragging me back to Leyawiin, explaining that I was bound to stay with them by contract.
FormID: 010DD7B4	povssleyawiinquest	mahei1yes	3	 He immediately regretted doing that!	
__ He immediately regretted doing that!
FormID: 010DD7B4	povssleyawiinquest	mahei1yes	4	I knew this wouldn't last forever. And I do love Numeen. I just had to get her off my back for a while.	
__I knew this wouldn't last forever. And I do love Numeen. I just had to get her off my back for a while.
FormID: 010DD7B4	povssleyawiinquest	mahei1yes	5	Of course she's not going to forget this any time soon.	
__Of course she's not going to forget this any time soon.
FormID: 010DD7B4	povssleyawiinquest	mahei1yes	6	But it was definitely worth it! My thanks again. You can have this book of mine.	
__But it was definitely worth it! My thanks again. You can have this book of mine.
FormID: 010DD7B4	povssleyawiinquest	mahei1yes	7	With all the chores that have piled up while I was gone, I don't expect to have time to read books any time soon!	
__With all the chores that have piled up while I was gone, I don't expect to have time to read books any time soon!

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