L10N/KDQ/2.03/Dialogue/povssbruma3quest の変更点


FormID: 010C5022	povssbruma3quest	GREETING	0	Excuse me, can I bend your ear for a moment?	
__Excuse me, can I bend your ear for a moment?
FormID: 010C5024	povssbruma3quest	olfand1yes	0	Now you may not have heard it yet but a lot of folk are complaining that I let my wife run wild.	
__Now you may not have heard it yet but a lot of folk are complaining that I let my wife run wild.
FormID: 010C5026	povssbruma3quest	olfand2yes	0	If you were married you'd understand that a wedding is a ceremony in which the man gives the woman the right to ignore everything he says, while he has to do all she asks on pain of mental castration.	
__If you were married you'd understand that a wedding is a ceremony in which the man gives the woman the right to ignore everything he says, while he has to do all she asks on pain of mental castration.
FormID: 010C5026	povssbruma3quest	olfand2yes	1	So she takes absolutely no notice of me. And she drinks too much, even for a Nord!	
__So she takes absolutely no notice of me. And she drinks too much, even for a Nord!
FormID: 010C5028	povssbruma3quest	olfand3yes	0	Of course not. Why should she? I just don't know what to do. There's a new healer up at the castle - Gan Luseph.	
__Of course not. Why should she? I just don't know what to do. There's a new healer up at the castle - Gan Luseph.
FormID: 010C5028	povssbruma3quest	olfand3yes	1	I can't leave the shop or Skjorta at the moment.  Can you ask if he can help?	
__I can't leave the shop or Skjorta at the moment.  Can you ask if he can help?
FormID: 010C502C	povssbruma3quest	olfand4yes	0	Thanks!	
FormID: 010C502B	povssbruma3quest	olfand4no	0	I understand. Maybe I can find someone else who could help.	
__I understand. Maybe I can find someone else who could help.
FormID: 010C502E	povssbruma3quest	olfand5yes	0	Stop a Nord drinking? It's all they live for, isn't it? Still, I suppose we could try aversion therapy.	
__Stop a Nord drinking? It's all they live for, isn't it? Still, I suppose we could try aversion therapy.
FormID: 010C8238	povssbruma3quest	olfand5yes	0	Good, you've found the aloes.  It'll just be a moment to squeeze them into the potion.	
__Good, you've found the aloes.  It'll just be a moment to squeeze them into the potion.
FormID: 010C8238	povssbruma3quest	olfand5yes	1	All done. Here you are.	
__All done. Here you are.
FormID: 010C823B	povssbruma3quest	olfand5yes	0	Aversion Therapy? And with this potion? Sounds good, I think it'll work. Thank you, please let me give you this sword for your pains.	
__Thank you, please let me give you this sword for your pains.
FormID: 010C5030	povssbruma3quest	ganluseph1yes	0	Yes. We'll give her something so that whenever she so much as sips alcohol she becomes violently sick.	
__Yes. We'll give her something so that whenever she so much as sips alcohol she becomes violently sick.
FormID: 010C5030	povssbruma3quest	ganluseph1yes	1	Over time it might put her off the stuff for ever. But Ofland should take it too or he'll be miserably hiding his own indulgence so she isn't tempted back.	
__Over time it might put her off the stuff for ever. But Ofland should take it too or he'll be miserably hiding his own indulgence so she isn't tempted back.
FormID: 010C5030	povssbruma3quest	ganluseph1yes	2	I don't have anything suitable immediately to hand but if you can get me some bitter aloes I can knock it up quickly enough.	
__I don't have anything suitable immediately to hand but if you can get me some bitter aloes I can knock it up quickly enough.
FormID: 010C5032	povssbruma3quest	ganluseph2yes	0	They are not native to Cyrodiil but one of the alchemists of the Mages Guild is in posession of some. I don't remember his name.	
__They are not native to Cyrodiil but I have seen a couple of patches growing in County Kvatch along the banks of the Brena river. Three aloes will do.
FormID: 010C5032	povssbruma3quest	ganluseph2yes	1	It is said that the aloes bring good luck. Last I've heard is that he took some with him on a trip to Fort Istirus.	
__It is said that the aloes bring good luck. Last I've heard is that he took some with him on a trip to Fort Istirus.
FormID: 010C5032	povssbruma3quest	ganluseph2yes	2	A friend of his, another alchemist by the name of Madison went there to investigate the nearby river.	
__A friend of his, another alchemist by the name of Madison went there to investigate the nearby river.
FormID: 010C5032	povssbruma3quest	ganluseph2yes	3	Shipwrecks in the area have polluted the river's water with their cargo and now she is looking for a way to make the water clean and drinkable again.	
__Shipwrecks in the area have polluted the river's water with their cargo and now she is looking for a way to make the water clean and drinkable again.
FormID: 010C5032	povssbruma3quest	ganluseph2yes	4	However she hasn't been heard from in weeks, so this mage I mentioned went out to look for her a few days ago, bringing the aloes for good luck.	
__However she hasn't been heard from in weeks, so this mage I mentioned went out to look for her a few days ago, bringing the aloes for good luck.
FormID: 010C5032	povssbruma3quest	ganluseph2yes	5	Perhaps you'll run into him near Fort Istirus.	
__Perhaps you'll run into him near Fort Istirus.

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