L10N/KDQ/2.03/Dialogue/povssDATMquest-01 の変更点


FormID: 010C5A1E	povssDATMquest	GREETING	0	Why do you waste your time bothering me, adventurer?	
__Why do you waste your time bothering me, adventurer?
FormID: 010C5A1E	povssDATMquest	GREETING	1	Don't tell me you are doing some piffling quest for Baernlorn or Hasathil or the useless guilds of Cyrodiil?	
__Don't tell me you are doing some piffling quest for Baernlorn or Hasathil or the useless guilds of Cyrodiil?
FormID: 010C5A1E	povssDATMquest	GREETING	2	Did you know you will be regarded as a 'noteworthy' thief in the Thieves Guild if you can fence 50 gold? These institutions are feeble, emasculated.	
__Did you know you will be regarded as a 'noteworthy' thief in their guild if you can fence 50 gold. These institutions are feeble, emasculated.
FormID: 010C5A1E	povssDATMquest	GREETING	3	You should look at something that might have serious repercussions.	
__You should look at something that might have serious repercussions.
FormID: 010CB3D1	povssDATMquest	GREETING	0	You are looking for the diary of the Countess of Cheydinhal I hear.	
__You are looking for the diary of the Countess of Cheydinhal I hear.
FormID: 010CB3D1	povssDATMquest	GREETING	1	I have been sent by a good friend of the Countess who very much wants to see the diary herself. She's been working on it and may be able to help you.	
__I have been sent by a good friend of the Countess who very much wants to see the diary herself. She's been working on it and may be able to help you.
FormID: 010CB3D1	povssDATMquest	GREETING	2	When you have a moment visit her. Her name is Isa Raman and she's Primate of the chapel in Bruma. Goodbye.	
__When you have a moment visit her. Her name is Isa Raman and she's Primate of the chapel in Bruma. Goodbye.
FormID: 010CB3D2	povssDATMquest	GREETING	0	I have nothing more to say to you. Please leave me be.	
__I have nothing more to say to you. Please leave me be.
FormID: 010CB3EC	povssDATMquest	GREETING	0	Your face seems vaguely familiar.	
__Your face seems vaguely familiar.
FormID: 010CB3F7	povssDATMquest	GREETING	0	You again!	
__You again!
FormID: 010CF4CF	povssDATMquest	GREETING	0	The individual wishes to deal with you directly but somewhere neutral. Meet him on the top floor of the South East Watch Tower of the Imperial City.	
__The individual wishes to deal with you directly but somewhere neutral. Meet him on the top floor of the South East Watch Tower of the Imperial City.
FormID: 010CF4CF	povssDATMquest	GREETING	1	Now if you'll excuse me...	
__Now if you'll excuse me...
FormID: 010D03B3	povssDATMquest	GREETING	0	What are you doing here?	
__What are you doing here?
FormID: 010C5A20	povssDATMquest	krognak1yes	0	The Countess of Cheydinhal had her faults. That no one talks ill of her now is partly because she is dead but also because they could face reprisals.	
__The Countess of Cheydinhal had her faults. That no one talks ill of her now is partly because she is dead but also because they could face reprisals.
FormID: 010C5A22	povssDATMquest	krognak2yes	0	She conveniently fell down the castle stairs and bled to death. A tragic accident? Perhaps, but she had used that staircase for years.	
__She conveniently fell down the castle stairs and bled to death. A tragic accident? Perhaps but she had used that staircase for years.
FormID: 010C5A22	povssDATMquest	krognak2yes	1	Locally they say her husband was responsible, either by pushing her himself or arranging for someone else to.	
__Locally they say her husband was responsible, either by pushing her himself or arranging for someone else to.
FormID: 010C5A22	povssDATMquest	krognak2yes	2	The Count makes no response to the claims but his son denies it hotly.	
__The Count makes no response to the claims but his son denies it hotly.
FormID: 010C5A22	povssDATMquest	krognak2yes	3	His parents may not have had the passion for each other they did when young but they understood etiquette.	
__His parents may not have had the passion for each other they did when young but they understood etiquette.
FormID: 010C5A22	povssDATMquest	krognak2yes	4	They found their pleasure elsewhere and only appeared together in public when protocol required.	
__They found their pleasure elsewhere and only appeared together in public when protocol required.
FormID: 010C5A22	povssDATMquest	krognak2yes	5	They were both happy with the arrangement and even without passion they loved each other in their own way. That is what Farwil claims and I believe him.	
__They were both happy with the arrangement and even without passion they loved each other in their own way. That is what Farwil claims and I believe him.
FormID: 010C5A24	povssDATMquest	krognak3yes	0	No. I have overheard conversations in which it is clear that many people had a reason for wanting the Countess dead.	
__No. I have overheard conversations in which it is clear that many people had a reason for wanting the Countess dead.
FormID: 010C5A26	povssDATMquest	krognak4yes	0	The Count must have been paid to keep his mouth shut and it would have taken a sizeable amount of money to do that.	
__The Count must have been paid to keep his mouth shut and it would have taken a sizeable amount of money to do that.
FormID: 010C5A26	povssDATMquest	krognak4yes	1	So if you found information, that someone would have to pay you equally well.	
__So if you found information, that someone would have to pay you equally well.
FormID: 010C5A26	povssDATMquest	krognak4yes	2	Or if you're a little goody two shoes your motivation could be to get the truth out.	
__Or if you're a little goody two shoes you could try to get the truth out.
FormID: 010C5A28	povssDATMquest	krognak5yes	0	The Countess had friends and confidants as well as enemies. They may be keeping their heads down wondering whether they are on a potential hit list.	
__The Countess had friends and confidants as well as enemies. They may be keeping their heads down wondering whether they are on a potential hit list.
FormID: 010C5A28	povssDATMquest	krognak5yes	1	Or they may just be very private people. Whatever, one of her confidants will know something to start you off.	
__Or they may just be very private people.Whatever, one of her confidants will know something to start you off.
FormID: 010C5A28	povssDATMquest	krognak5yes	2	And someone in Cheydinhal will know who those confidants were.	
__And someone in Cheydinhal will know who those confidants were.
FormID: 010C5A2A	povssDATMquest	krognak6yes	0	If someone in a position of power has got away with murder, I don't like it.	
__If someone in a position of power has got away with murder, I don't like it.
FormID: 010C5A2A	povssDATMquest	krognak6yes	1	Such people hide secrets as easily as they pass wind and usually to the detriment of society as a whole.	
__Such people hide secrets as easily as they pass wind and usually to the detriment of society as a whole.
FormID: 010C5A2A	povssDATMquest	krognak6yes	2	I am not asking you to do anything, simply saying it ought to be done.	
__I am not asking you to do anything, simply saying it ought to be done.
FormID: 010C5A2C	povssDATMquest	krognak7yes	0	From me?  Nothing but congratulations. As I said I am not asking you to do it. But who knows what someone else may offer for this information.	
__From me?  Nothing but congratulations. As I said I am not asking you to do it. But who knows what someone else may offer for this information.
FormID: 010C5A30	povssDATMquest	krognak8no	0	Nevermind. Someone else will do it instead.	
__Nevermind. Someone else will do it instead.
FormID: 010C5A2F	povssDATMquest	krognak8yes	0	It's your choice.	
__It's your choice.
FormID: 010C5A32	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	She died a sad and painful death. Do not remind me of it.	
__She died a sad and painful death. Do not remind me of it.
FormID: 010C5A33	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	Sh! The Count has threatened to tear the tongue out of anyone caught mentioning her name. But old Ra'quanar does not care.	
__Sh! The Count has threatened to tear the tongue out of anyone caught mentioning her name. But old Ra'quanar does not care.
FormID: 010C5A33	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	1	He is too useful to the Count to be tortured like that. If you want to run the risk the person I would talk to is Voranil.	
__He is too useful to the Count to be tortured like that. If you want to run the risk the person I would talk to is Voranil.
FormID: 010C5A33	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	2	He was not a friend of the Countess but they 'understood' each other.	
__He was not a friend of the Countess but they 'understood' each other.
FormID: 010C8241	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	I have nothing to say about her.	
__I have nothing to say about her.
FormID: 010C8254	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	We were friends but I cannot talk to you about her. I would lose my position.	
__We were friends but I cannot talk to you about her. I would lose my position.
FormID: 010CF9E1	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	You think there's something in the basement that may help your investigation? By all means, here's the key.	
__You think there's something in the basement that may help your investigation? By all means, here's the key.
FormID: 010C8260	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	I can't say I know anything about her. Perhaps you should ask someone running a shop, or an inn? They probably meet more people.	
__I can't say I know anything about her.
FormID: 010C8261	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	Ah, you must be the one Krognak gave the assignment to. And before you ask, no, I have never met Lathasa. I do know a little about her though.  	
__Ah, you must be the one Krognak gave the assignment to. And before you ask, no, I have never met Lathasa. I do know a little about her though.  
FormID: 010C8268	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	You may want to talk to my twin brother. You know, Caerlorn. He's the one in blue!	
__You may want to talk to my twin brother. You know, Caerlorn. He's the one in blue!
FormID: 010C8269	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	You know? How do you know?	
__You know? How do you know?
FormID: 010C8274	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	I knew I'd said too much! Still, she was alive at that time and there was no embargo on speaking of her. It's not so easy now.	
__I knew I'd said too much! Still, she was alive at that time and there was no embargo on speaking of her. It's not so easy now.
FormID: 010CA4FD	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	She's dead.	
__She's dead.
FormID: 010CA504	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	A lovely lady. Such a sad end to her life.	
__A lovely lady. Such a sad end to her life.
FormID: 010CA50B	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	How did you...? No matter. She was a naughty, naughty lady but she didn't deserve to die like that.  	
__How did you...? No matter. She was a naughty, naughty lady but she didn't deserve to die like that.  
FormID: 010CB3D3	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	0	We were friends since we were children.	
__We were friends since we were children.
FormID: 010CB3D3	povssDATMquest	povLlathasaIndarys	1	Oh, I wasn't blind to her faults but in my position here I believe I can say she was no worse than most of those who live in Cyrodiil.	
__Oh, I wasn't blind to her faults but in my position here I believe I can say she was no worse than most of those who live in Cyrodiil.

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