L10N/KDQ/2.03/Dialogue/povssClutterMonkeysQuest-04 の変更点


FormID: 010E30C1	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outofmyself	0	I am proud of my Argonian heritage and see nothing wrong with eating flies.	
__I am proud of my Argonian heritage and see nothing wrong with eating flies.
FormID: 010E30C1	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outofmyself	1	I would never stop the human races eating horses though I find the idea repulsive. To each his own, I say.	
__I would never stop the human races eating horses though I find the idea repulsive. To each his own, I say.
FormID: 010E30C3	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outofimperialcity	0	I find it strange that this lighthouse has a keeper but as far as I can see no light.	
__I find it strange that this lighthouse has a keeper but as far as I can see no light.
FormID: 010E30C8	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	lottamyself	0	You think pants aren't history? Or do you really think history is pants? I'm doing my bit so that in the future others will see how advanced we were.	
__You think pants aren't history? Or do you really think history is pants? I'm doing my bit so that in the future others will see how advanced we were.
FormID: 010E30C8	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	lottamyself	1	Mind you we gave far more variety in Morrowind. Considering this is the capital province that seems a bit odd.	
__Mind you we gave far more variety in Morrowind. Considering this is the capital province that seems a bit odd.
FormID: 010E30C8	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	lottamyself	2	But developments don't necessarily mean progress.	
__But developments don't necessarily mean progress.
FormID: 010E30CA	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	lottaanvil	0	Do I like it? Brawling sailors, vice rings, pirates and smugglers - go figure!	
__Do I like it? Brawling sailors, vice rings, pirates and smugglers - go figure!
FormID: 010E30D0	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	ivorleyawiin	0	Khajiit hate Argonians, Argonians hate Khajiit. Imperials hate both and stir up trouble or worse. The sooner I'm away the better.	
__Khajiit hate Argonians, Argonians hate Khajiit. Imperials hate both and stir up trouble or worse. The sooner I'm away the better.
FormID: 010E30D3	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	ivormyself	0	I've been interested in the history of tool making for years so it's natural this would fall to me. This place is almost prehistoric though.	
__I've been interested in the history of tool making for years so it's natural this would fall to me. This place is almost prehistoric though.
FormID: 010E30D3	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	ivormyself	1	Have they even got the wheel yet? Well, they must have because there are carts lying around here and there. But have you ever seen one move?	
__Have they even got the wheel yet? Well, they must have because there are carts lying around here and there. But have you ever seen one move?
FormID: 010E30DA	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	oldguffmyself	0	My real name is Guthrie Sheep-Stealer. Did time in Skyrim for animal husbandry. Not into animals any more. Clutter's safer.	
__My real name is Guthrie Sheep-Stealer. Did time in Skyrim for animal husbandry. Not into animals any more. Clutter's safer.
FormID: 010E30DC	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	oldguffskingrad	0	Too inbred I'd say. They are all fixated, mostly on vegetables, or sheep, or dead bodies. The sooner I'm away from here the safer I'll feel.	
__Too inbred I'd say. They are all fixated, mostly on vegetables, or sheep, or dead bodies. The sooner I'm away from here the safer I'll feel.
FormID: 010E30E1	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	allformyself	0	They call me 'China Doll' because I am an expert in porcelain.	
__They call me 'China Doll' because I am an expert in porcelain.
FormID: 010E30E1	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	allformyself	1	And that reminds me.  I had a very rare plate with the Emperor's crest I was keeping with me at all time because of its value.	
__And that reminds me.  I had a very rare plate with the Emperor's crest I was keeping with me at all time because of its value.
FormID: 010E30E1	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	allformyself	2	Somewhere I put it down and forgot it would you believe. Anvil I suspect. Someone will have an unexpected present.	
__Somewhere I put it down and forgot it would you believe. Anvil I suspect. Someone will have an unexpected present.
FormID: 010E30E3	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	allforbravil	0	If the smell from the open sewers doesn't get me I'm sure someone high on skooma will. Ghastly place.	
__If the smell from the open sewers doesn't get me I'm sure someone high on skooma will. Ghastly place.
FormID: 010E30EC	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	bessbruma	0	Don't mention the place. Even when I'm so wrapped up in furs that I look spherical I'm still freezing. Who can bear living here?	
__Don't mention the place. Even when I'm so wrapped up in furs that I look spherical I'm still freezing. Who can bear living here?
FormID: 010E30EE	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	bessmyself	0	Some people say silver is an invention of the daedra and all the little hell marks on it are from their teeth.	
__Some people say silver is an invention of the daedra and all the little hell marks on it are from their teeth.
FormID: 010E30EE	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	bessmyself	1	But silver doesn't excite the blood like gold. Being from a noble family I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Damn near choked on it!	
__But silver doesn't excite the blood like gold. Being from a noble family I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Damn near choked on it!
FormID: 010E30EE	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	bessmyself	2	Still it gave me my long term interest. Sterling stuff, silver.	
__Still it gave me my long term interest. Sterling stuff, silver.
FormID: 010E30F5	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	tipcheydinhal	0	While I was 'finding' a few items I ended up breaking into Voranil's house, Riverview. I found some jewelry but have you seen his parties?!	
__While I was 'finding' a few items I ended up breaking into Voranil's house, Riverview. I found some jewelry but have you seen his parties?!
FormID: 010E30F5	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	tipcheydinhal	1	I hid in the basement for my own safety until the party was over.  I'll be happy to get away from Cheydinhal.	
__I hid in the basement for my own safety until the party was over.  I'll be happy to get away from Cheydinhal.
FormID: 010E30F7	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	tipmyself	0	Like I said, dad should be here. I'm supposed to be studying for my degree in advanced thermonuclear war and this is taking up too much time.	
__Like I said, dad should be here. I'm supposed to be studying for my degree in advanced thermonuclear war and this is taking up too much time.
FormID: 010E30F7	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	tipmyself	1	Still dad does have to pay all my school bills.  I ought to do something in return.	
__Still dad does have to pay all my school bills.  I ought to do something in return.
FormID: 010E3AD2	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	tattietatmyself	0	It's not my real name. When I started I was a rag-picker, dealing with real rubbish. The nickname stuck.	
__It's not my real name. When I started I was a rag-picker, dealing with real rubbish. The nickname stuck.
FormID: 010E3AD2	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	tattietatmyself	1	But now I track down rare and sometimes valuable items.	
__But now I track down rare and sometimes valuable items.
FormID: 010E3AD2	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	tattietatmyself	2	It was more fun in Morrowind of course where you often came across unique items in caves unlike the random loot you get here.	
__It was more fun in Morrowind of course where you often came across unique items in caves unlike the random loot you get here.
FormID: 010E3AD5	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	tattietatchorrol	0	Parochial non-entity of a town with more than its share of snobs. I so look forward to getting back to vibrant Mournhold.	
__Parochial non-entity of a town with more than its share of snobs. I so look forward to getting back to vibrant Mournhold.
FormID: 010E3AE5	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outof6yes	0	Very well.  I will pay 500 gold for each edition and a bonus of 5000 if you find them all.	
__Very well.  I will pay 500 gold for each edition and a bonus of 5000 if you find them all.
FormID: 010E3AE5	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outof6yes	1	If you feel like you can't finish this job you can quit any time. Of course if you've quit you will no longer be paid for any newspapers you find afterwards.	
__If you feel like you can't finish this job you can quit any time. Of course if you've quit you will no longer be paid for any newspapers you find afterwards.
FormID: 010E3AE6	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outof6no	0	Are you sure? We'd pay you for each newspaper you find, even if you can't find them all.	
__Are you sure? We'd pay you for each newspaper you find, even if you can't find them all.
FormID: 010E3AE6	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outof6no	1	You'll be able to quit at any time.	
__You'll be able to quit at any time.
FormID: 010E3AE8	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outof6nono	0	I can't say I blame you. Well, I'll come back for them in time but not to you.	
__I can't say I blame you. Well, I'll come back for them in time but not to you.
FormID: 010E3AE8	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outof6nono	1	I wish you good luck on your travels!	
__I wish you good luck on your travels!
FormID: 010EB0E4	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	ricard1yes	0	Then you're here to help me? Those damn bandits took the rings I was gathering for the guild!	
__Then you're here to help me? Those damn bandits took the rings I was gathering for the guild!
FormID: 010EB0E4	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	ricard1yes	1	I'm still pretty bruised from my last encounter with these guys, so we should do this carefully. If we find the rings we can get out of here.	
__I'm still pretty bruised from my last encounter with these guys, so we should do this carefully. If we find the rings we can get out of here.
FormID: 010EB0E4	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	ricard1yes	2	The sooner the better. Lets go.	
__The sooner the better. Lets go.
FormID: 010ED354	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outofContinueQuest	0	Good. Come back when you've found one of the articles.	
__Good. Come back when you've found one of the articles.
FormID: 010ED355	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outofQuitQuest	0	That is understandable. I must thank you for the work you've done for the guild.	
__That is understandable. I must thank you for the work you've done for the guild.
FormID: 010ED355	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	outofQuitQuest	1	I have nothing else for you to do. Goodbye, and good luck on your travels!	
__I have nothing else for you to do. Goodbye, and good luck on your travels!
FormID: 0110265A	povssClutterMonkeysQuest	povbluesilks	0	Thank you.	
__Thank you.

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