L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsszooflyer の変更点


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*povsszooflyer [#f701a7de]

**原文 [#afe800b2]
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Have you ever come face to face with a creature from Oblivion?  Of course not, because if you had it is very unlikely you would be here to tell about it.   If you did and wanted to escape with your life it would help to know what they are and what they do.  It makes a big difference if you are facing a clanfear or a daedroth.
Come along to the Daedra zoo and see these amazing creatures in the flesh - as it were.  Guaranteed 100% docile.  You can even pet them.  
There is a representative selection of all daedric creatures including atronachs and the rather rarer Xivilai.
The zoo is not purely there to permit human inspection.  A great deal of research is done into the creatures' life styles, mating rituals, feeding habits and communications skills.  They say the better you know your enemy, the easier to beat them.
The Zoo is open every day during the hours of daylight on the payment of a small fee.  It can be found by taking the Red Ring Road as far as the junction with the Blue Road to Cheydinhal.  A little way along the Blue Road is a path off to the left leading to a small wooden cabin.  The zoo is just east of this cabin.  Of course if you are approaching from the direction of Cheydinhal the path will be on your right.
We hope to see you there soon.
Joralf Split-Breeks and Gladnaf the Grey Proprietors

**訳文 [#odfaad2f]
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Have you ever come face to face with a creature from Oblivion?  Of course not, because if you had it is very unlikely you would be here to tell about it.   If you did and wanted to escape with your life it would help to know what they are and what they do.  It makes a big difference if you are facing a clanfear or a daedroth.
Come along to the Daedra zoo and see these amazing creatures in the flesh - as it were.  Guaranteed 100% docile.  You can even pet them.  
There is a representative selection of all daedric creatures including atronachs and the rather rarer Xivilai.
The zoo is not purely there to permit human inspection.  A great deal of research is done into the creatures' life styles, mating rituals, feeding habits and communications skills.  They say the better you know your enemy, the easier to beat them.
The Zoo is open every day during the hours of daylight on the payment of a small fee.  It can be found by taking the Red Ring Road as far as the junction with the Blue Road to Cheydinhal.  A little way along the Blue Road is a path off to the left leading to a small wooden cabin.  The zoo is just east of this cabin.  Of course if you are approaching from the direction of Cheydinhal the path will be on your right.
動物園は、少額料金で日中、毎日開いています。場所はRed Ring RoadとBlue Roadの合流点からCheydinhalに向かうことで見つけることができます。Blue Roadを少し進んで行くと左に折れる道があり、その先に木造小屋があります。動物園はこの木造小屋のすぐ東にあります。もちろん、Cheydinhalの方から行くなら道は右に折れることとなるでしょう。
We hope to see you there soon.
Joralf Split-Breeks and Gladnaf the Grey Proprietors
The Grey の所有者、Joralf Split-Breeks と Gladnaf

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