L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsswonderdoc7 の変更点


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<font face=5>
Hey Bongo,
I've got a bit of a story but - ha ha - you know me.  I've always said that the best way to make a living out of thievery is to steal from the thieves.
Anyway, I've had my eye on this Dark Elf in the Imperial City for some time.  He's a rich dude.  Owns properties all over Tamriel.  And I know how he makes his money.  
Well, I've just sneaked into his basement when I hear him shouting at someone upstairs.  He's in a real two and eight, swearing about losing a fortune.  I could hardly help but overhear.
Seems like he was sending some chest or other to Sumerset Isle by sea from Anvil but the travelling merchant who was to deliver it for him was robbed and murdered after he stopped to pass the night at Brina Cross Inn.  That's on the Gold Road not too far from Anvil.  I don't know what the chest contained but the guy's been moving mountains to find it and hasn't succeeded.
Then comes the interesting bit.  It seems the guy had commissioned the chest specially.  It doesn't have a normal lock but several little cards you put in the top.  Seems his trusted assistant Albert helped himself to those and ran off.  All except one that the Elf was keeping secured.  
Not very lucky that guy if you ask me.  I found his little card straight off.  How come thieves are the least security conscious among us?  I sneaked away with him still ranting on.
I decided it might be unwise to be found with it, so I locked it away in a chest inside that place where the dumb Nord woman Maeve the Buxom lives.  She's too thick to notice if 50 locked chests appeared.  Hey, Bongo, that might be a useful tip for you sometime if you ever need a place to stash hot goods.  Anyway, as you're my partner I think we should share.  Here's a key to the chest.  It's got a couple of scrolls you might find useful too.  Catch you later.


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<font face=5>
Hey Bongo,
I've got a bit of a story but - ha ha - you know me.  I've always said that the best way to make a living out of thievery is to steal from the thieves.
Anyway, I've had my eye on this Dark Elf in the Imperial City for some time.  He's a rich dude.  Owns properties all over Tamriel.  And I know how he makes his money.  
Well, I've just sneaked into his basement when I hear him shouting at someone upstairs.  He's in a real two and eight, swearing about losing a fortune.  I could hardly help but overhear.
Seems like he was sending some chest or other to Sumerset Isle by sea from Anvil but the travelling merchant who was to deliver it for him was robbed and murdered after he stopped to pass the night at Brina Cross Inn.  That's on the Gold Road not too far from Anvil.  I don't know what the chest contained but the guy's been moving mountains to find it and hasn't succeeded.
Then comes the interesting bit.  It seems the guy had commissioned the chest specially.  It doesn't have a normal lock but several little cards you put in the top.  Seems his trusted assistant Albert helped himself to those and ran off.  All except one that the Elf was keeping secured.  
Not very lucky that guy if you ask me.  I found his little card straight off.  How come thieves are the least security conscious among us?  I sneaked away with him still ranting on.
I decided it might be unwise to be found with it, so I locked it away in a chest inside that place where the dumb Nord woman Maeve the Buxom lives.  She's too thick to notice if 50 locked chests appeared.  Hey, Bongo, that might be a useful tip for you sometime if you ever need a place to stash hot goods.  Anyway, as you're my partner I think we should share.  Here's a key to the chest.  It's got a couple of scrolls you might find useful too.  Catch you later.


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