L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsswonderdoc6 の変更点


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Dear Ronald
I hope this letter catches you before you are off to High Rock.  
Do you know, you are so lucky to be up in Cheydinhal.  Bravil has to be the pits as far as a posting goes.  Indarys may be a boor but Terentius is unspeakable.  He seems to believe that his long past prowess in tournaments makes him something special.  If I wasn't so young I'd go right up to him and yell into his face that what men were is pretty meaningless.  It's what they are that matters.  I couldn't do it, of course.
Then you've got Farwyl.  His manner leaves a bit to be desired and his enthusiasm outweights his brains by a large factor but he means well.  Compare him to Gellius!  Farwyl has even let you join his elite coterie of would be heroes.  If I followed Gellius it would be to addicts and whores.  That route is unlikely to ensure I have a long and prosperous future!
And Bravil has to be the ugliest, shabbiest, dirtiest, smelliest hole in all Tamriel.  The inhabitants seem to survive by living in their imaginations.  I can hardly blame them.
Anyway, enough of my moaning.
I'm about to be sent out on a mission against bandit camps to the east along the Panther river.  There are four camps, I understand.  I have a bad feeling about it.  The last mission never returned!  Nor was any trace of them ever found.  Hopefully this time we are better prepared.  We start at the Black Dog Camp and then move up river.  It's pretty wild up there.
Most of my real valuables are still in High Rock but there are a few things I have collected here.  I'm going to carry them with me.  I'll swear I saw the castle wizard Fathis Aren walking out of a wall!  I don't like the idea of what is mine being vulnerable to such weird people.  If anything should happen to me and my box of valuables turns up, here's a key.  We've been friends a long time so I'd rather you had them than anyone.
Let's hope it doesn't come to that.


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Dear Ronald
I hope this letter catches you before you are off to High Rock.  
Do you know, you are so lucky to be up in Cheydinhal.  Bravil has to be the pits as far as a posting goes.  Indarys may be a boor but Terentius is unspeakable.  He seems to believe that his long past prowess in tournaments makes him something special.  If I wasn't so young I'd go right up to him and yell into his face that what men were is pretty meaningless.  It's what they are that matters.  I couldn't do it, of course.
Then you've got Farwyl.  His manner leaves a bit to be desired and his enthusiasm outweights his brains by a large factor but he means well.  Compare him to Gellius!  Farwyl has even let you join his elite coterie of would be heroes.  If I followed Gellius it would be to addicts and whores.  That route is unlikely to ensure I have a long and prosperous future!
And Bravil has to be the ugliest, shabbiest, dirtiest, smelliest hole in all Tamriel.  The inhabitants seem to survive by living in their imaginations.  I can hardly blame them.
Anyway, enough of my moaning.
I'm about to be sent out on a mission against bandit camps to the east along the Panther river.  There are four camps, I understand.  I have a bad feeling about it.  The last mission never returned!  Nor was any trace of them ever found.  Hopefully this time we are better prepared.  We start at the Black Dog Camp and then move up river.  It's pretty wild up there.
Most of my real valuables are still in High Rock but there are a few things I have collected here.  I'm going to carry them with me.  I'll swear I saw the castle wizard Fathis Aren walking out of a wall!  I don't like the idea of what is mine being vulnerable to such weird people.  If anything should happen to me and my box of valuables turns up, here's a key.  We've been friends a long time so I'd rather you had them than anyone.
Let's hope it doesn't come to that.


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