L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsswonderdoc5 の変更点


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Hi Bro,
How's it hanging?
Mother is being a pain again, muttering about me settling down and starting a family.  She doesn't seem to realise that a soldier's life is hardly conducive to that sort of thing.  Why don't you do it?  Give her some grandchildren so that she'll lay off the rest of us.
Thanks for putting up with me last month.  It's not often I get the chance of a holiday.  I mean, I know you're not really far from Leyawiin but the place feels very different.  It's quiet and peaceful and so very safe.  You just know that nothing very nasty is ever going to happen there.  It's different in Leyawiin and the Imperial City.
I spent a couple of days there with Matt but I wasn't comfortable.  Father's name still rings too many bells.  He seems to have been more widely disliked than I remembered when he was alive, which is saying something.
On the way to Matt I did a bit of country walking.  I found this shipwreck, the Emma May, near the mouth of some river or other.  I would have investigated but I could hear some very odd noises coming from inside.  Spooky.  Oh, I'm brave enough, but not stupid.  It's not sensible to wander into the unknown without backup.  And as if to prove my point there was a corpse lying on the ground with an expression of such terror on his face I had to bury him.  I found this key on him.  It might open something near the wreck but by then I'd had enough of the place.  I've sent it to you as you are geographically the closest.  It's probably nothing but, who knows?
I'd better stop now.  It's time to knock Argonian heads together.  Things are very tense here at the moment but I'll write about that later as at present the subject is off limits.
Do go and see mother sometimes.  She frets when you leave it so long.
Lots of Love


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Hi Bro,
How's it hanging?
Mother is being a pain again, muttering about me settling down and starting a family.  She doesn't seem to realise that a soldier's life is hardly conducive to that sort of thing.  Why don't you do it?  Give her some grandchildren so that she'll lay off the rest of us.
Thanks for putting up with me last month.  It's not often I get the chance of a holiday.  I mean, I know you're not really far from Leyawiin but the place feels very different.  It's quiet and peaceful and so very safe.  You just know that nothing very nasty is ever going to happen there.  It's different in Leyawiin and the Imperial City.
I spent a couple of days there with Matt but I wasn't comfortable.  Father's name still rings too many bells.  He seems to have been more widely disliked than I remembered when he was alive, which is saying something.
On the way to Matt I did a bit of country walking.  I found this shipwreck, the Emma May, near the mouth of some river or other.  I would have investigated but I could hear some very odd noises coming from inside.  Spooky.  Oh, I'm brave enough, but not stupid.  It's not sensible to wander into the unknown without backup.  And as if to prove my point there was a corpse lying on the ground with an expression of such terror on his face I had to bury him.  I found this key on him.  It might open something near the wreck but by then I'd had enough of the place.  I've sent it to you as you are geographically the closest.  It's probably nothing but, who knows?
I'd better stop now.  It's time to knock Argonian heads together.  Things are very tense here at the moment but I'll write about that later as at present the subject is off limits.
Do go and see mother sometimes.  She frets when you leave it so long.
Lots of Love


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