L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsswonderdoc4 の変更点


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<font face=5>
My dearest Pobble,
Do you know, a very funny thing happened a little while ago.  It was before all these terrible Oblivion scares started and that rather put it out of my mind.  Anyhow, your aunt Jobiska had sent her usual weekly letter - she's very worried about your health by the way - and enclosed with it a key.  The very key I have sent on to you in this letter in fact.
Also enclosed is another present she sent, special woolly socks.  Your aunt Jobiska knows just how easily you get chilblains in that cold northern climate and is very worried about your toes.  
But I am digressing.  Apparently the key was thrust into her hand by a passing stranger accompanied by the words 'Cloud Top'.  Of course, living in Leyawiin as she does, she had never heard of this.  When she found out it was a place near Chorrol she send the key to me to forward on to you in the hope you would investigate.
Apart from the general fears of an Oblivion invasion life in the Imperial City continues much as usual.  Amantius Allectus was killed in a burglary at his house.  It's the third time it has happened.  I must say he looks surprisingly well on it.
I have decided to treat myself to a night out.  The Imperial Opera is performing Prochuffaluff's opera Love for 363 Oranges.  They have even hired a singer from the great Balls Hoy Theatre in - oh - I can't remember where.  I just hope it is safe to go out that night.
[The letter witters on about trivialities for several more pages.]

// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<font face=5>
My dearest Pobble,
Do you know, a very funny thing happened a little while ago.  It was before all these terrible Oblivion scares started and that rather put it out of my mind.  Anyhow, your aunt Jobiska had sent her usual weekly letter - she's very worried about your health by the way - and enclosed with it a key.  The very key I have sent on to you in this letter in fact.
Also enclosed is another present she sent, special woolly socks.  Your aunt Jobiska knows just how easily you get chilblains in that cold northern climate and is very worried about your toes.  
But I am digressing.  Apparently the key was thrust into her hand by a passing stranger accompanied by the words 'Cloud Top'.  Of course, living in Leyawiin as she does, she had never heard of this.  When she found out it was a place near Chorrol she send the key to me to forward on to you in the hope you would investigate.
Apart from the general fears of an Oblivion invasion life in the Imperial City continues much as usual.  Amantius Allectus was killed in a burglary at his house.  It's the third time it has happened.  I must say he looks surprisingly well on it.
I have decided to treat myself to a night out.  The Imperial Opera is performing Prochuffaluff's opera Love for 363 Oranges.  They have even hired a singer from the great Balls Hoy Theatre in - oh - I can't remember where.  I just hope it is safe to go out that night.
[The letter witters on about trivialities for several more pages.]

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