L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsswonderdoc1 の変更点


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I hear them; the whispers in my nightmares.  Vaermina talks to me.  Only to me.  She talks of theft, of underhand dealings.  She talks or fortune and riches.  She talks of murder and death.
But does she know?  
Does she understand?
Does she want what is mine?
Or is this a fear borne of the whispering in my dreams?
I cannot answer my own uncertainty but I fear it is unsafe to leave it here.  Yet where can I take it?  The world shuns me.  Only others like myself who seek to gain the attention of the all-powerful princes will not turn from me.
If not Vaermina then whom?  Nocturnal?  She might understand.  Peryite?  He would not judge.  Meridia?  She would not even be interested.  Yet these qualities would keep it safe - understanding, non-judgemental disinterest is what I need.  One of those three, yes.
I will have to leave the key here.  It must be kept apart from what it opens.  I trust no one enough.  Not even them.  And should the nightmares overwhelm me I will at least recall who sends them;  that she holds the key to my future.
If only I did not dream...

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I hear them; the whispers in my nightmares.  Vaermina talks to me.  Only to me.  She talks of theft, of underhand dealings.  She talks or fortune and riches.  She talks of murder and death.
But does she know?  
Does she understand?
Does she want what is mine?
Or is this a fear borne of the whispering in my dreams?
I cannot answer my own uncertainty but I fear it is unsafe to leave it here.  Yet where can I take it?  The world shuns me.  Only others like myself who seek to gain the attention of the all-powerful princes will not turn from me.
If not Vaermina then whom?  Nocturnal?  She might understand.  Peryite?  He would not judge.  Meridia?  She would not even be interested.  Yet these qualities would keep it safe - understanding, non-judgemental disinterest is what I need.  One of those three, yes.
I will have to leave the key here.  It must be kept apart from what it opens.  I trust no one enough.  Not even them.  And should the nightmares overwhelm me I will at least recall who sends them;  that she holds the key to my future.
If only I did not dream...

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