L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssumbrabook の変更点


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<DIV align="center">
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Once, as I walked the hills above Suran
I came upon an orc, I'd first thought man
Til I perceived he was in orcish armour dressed.
I hailed him cheerily for well I know
A laughing welcome can disarm a foe.
He did not smile. His face I saw with pain distressed.
"Youth," he responded, "can you so gaily prate
When this our world is filled with woe and hate
And it seems I alone of men have been so blessed
To see this clearly and be full aware
That hope is lost? Look on me and despair."
I shook my head. "Life's good, my friend. Why be depressed?"
"Have you yet killed?" he asked through tight-clenched jaws.
"Of course," I answered. "Only with good cause."
My quick response fell flat. He sighed, still further stressed.
"Who in the Empire set you up as judge?
Are you impartial; never bearing grudge?"
I smiled, demurring. "I am but human," I confessed.
My clothes were fine. My burnished armour shone.
"I have killed boys whose parents set them on."
He said. "No coin for bread, starvation pressed.
First would they beg to buy some food to live.
Alas I could help them not. I'd none to give.
They, wracked with fear and hunger, to bestial state regressed.
At first I parried. They but charged again.
Pale, stick-like children, some as young as ten.
They fought as if to kill me were a kind of test.
Sheer weight of numbers gave them hope to win.
They had no strength, sick-bodied and so thin.
I slew them all, save one who stood as if possessed.
Aged, p'raps fourteen - I ordered him to go.
'How can I flee and leave my brothers so?'
That he would surely die had left him unimpressed.
'Fight me you rogue, from here I'll never leave.
I am no coward, nor will I live to grieve.
Redraw your sword you fool, or do you think I jest?'
All I could do was ask the question why.
'Have you 'ere watched small babies, starving, die?
Screaming with hunger, like unfed eaglets, still in the nest?
You overeat and throw your food to waste.
We would eat any, yet have we none to taste.'
He leaped. I struck. The well-honed blade passed through his chest.
The orc's green face was now awash with tears.
"That was one tale, my friend. Throughout the years
There have been many. They my waking mind infest.
It must end now and you will be my fate
If you're prepared. I would not have you 'late'.
I have been good but rumour tells me you are best."
I laughed uneasy; his own death his goal?
"You but mistake me. Find some other soul.
I am engaged on urgent and more vital quest."
He shook his head and quickly drew his sword.
"Slay me and take it. You shall be its Lord.
Quickly despatch me from a life that I detest."
"If I must fight you, I would know your name,"
I said, thinking perhaps his words a game.
"By killing me so many wrongs will be redressed
that you should know me. Call me Shadow then;
Still feared on Vvardenfell by mer and men.
Now battle. Both I and my sword you must contest."
He could not triumph, I was strong in power.
Yet, as he died, the victory felt sour.
I was ashamed and bitter - thoughts that I fast repressed.
Long years have gone since from his grasp I pried
The blade his name had shared until he died,
Which in my longsword's scabbard I quickly did invest.
And you would think his ending soon forgot.
Memory, that needs far more than time to rot
Sometimes returns with heavier meaning then expressed.
I will not bore you, listing where I've been
The pitiful, pointless deaths that I have seen
Say now I know why darkness he had so caressed.
Now if you search the hills behind Suran
You'll find no orc, just me, a simple man
Seeking... Ah, no. Why say? I'm sure you must have guessed.
I too am Shadow. That's my name by right.
Where 'ere I go, I blanket hope with night.
Knowing in easeful death alone will I find rest.
Fame, power, riches - all these count as nought.
Yet in my time I have for these three fought.
You must not follow. That is my full heart's request.
There is one chance. If you are wise and brave
Live not for self but other people save.
And redeem me. Come plunge your blade into my breast.

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<DIV align="center">
<font face=2>
Once, as I walked the hills above Suran
I came upon an orc, I'd first thought man
Til I perceived he was in orcish armour dressed.
I hailed him cheerily for well I know
A laughing welcome can disarm a foe.
He did not smile. His face I saw with pain distressed.
"Youth," he responded, "can you so gaily prate
When this our world is filled with woe and hate
And it seems I alone of men have been so blessed
To see this clearly and be full aware
That hope is lost? Look on me and despair."
I shook my head. "Life's good, my friend. Why be depressed?"
"Have you yet killed?" he asked through tight-clenched jaws.
"Of course," I answered. "Only with good cause."
My quick response fell flat. He sighed, still further stressed.
"Who in the Empire set you up as judge?
Are you impartial; never bearing grudge?"
I smiled, demurring. "I am but human," I confessed.
My clothes were fine. My burnished armour shone.
"I have killed boys whose parents set them on."
He said. "No coin for bread, starvation pressed.
First would they beg to buy some food to live.
Alas I could help them not. I'd none to give.
They, wracked with fear and hunger, to bestial state regressed.
At first I parried. They but charged again.
Pale, stick-like children, some as young as ten.
They fought as if to kill me were a kind of test.
Sheer weight of numbers gave them hope to win.
They had no strength, sick-bodied and so thin.
I slew them all, save one who stood as if possessed.
Aged, p'raps fourteen - I ordered him to go.
'How can I flee and leave my brothers so?'
That he would surely die had left him unimpressed.
'Fight me you rogue, from here I'll never leave.
I am no coward, nor will I live to grieve.
Redraw your sword you fool, or do you think I jest?'
All I could do was ask the question why.
'Have you 'ere watched small babies, starving, die?
Screaming with hunger, like unfed eaglets, still in the nest?
You overeat and throw your food to waste.
We would eat any, yet have we none to taste.'
He leaped. I struck. The well-honed blade passed through his chest.
The orc's green face was now awash with tears.
"That was one tale, my friend. Throughout the years
There have been many. They my waking mind infest.
It must end now and you will be my fate
If you're prepared. I would not have you 'late'.
I have been good but rumour tells me you are best."
I laughed uneasy; his own death his goal?
"You but mistake me. Find some other soul.
I am engaged on urgent and more vital quest."
He shook his head and quickly drew his sword.
"Slay me and take it. You shall be its Lord.
Quickly despatch me from a life that I detest."
"If I must fight you, I would know your name,"
I said, thinking perhaps his words a game.
"By killing me so many wrongs will be redressed
that you should know me. Call me Shadow then;
Still feared on Vvardenfell by mer and men.
Now battle. Both I and my sword you must contest."
He could not triumph, I was strong in power.
Yet, as he died, the victory felt sour.
I was ashamed and bitter - thoughts that I fast repressed.
Long years have gone since from his grasp I pried
The blade his name had shared until he died,
Which in my longsword's scabbard I quickly did invest.
And you would think his ending soon forgot.
Memory, that needs far more than time to rot
Sometimes returns with heavier meaning then expressed.
I will not bore you, listing where I've been
The pitiful, pointless deaths that I have seen
Say now I know why darkness he had so caressed.
Now if you search the hills behind Suran
You'll find no orc, just me, a simple man
Seeking... Ah, no. Why say? I'm sure you must have guessed.
I too am Shadow. That's my name by right.
Where 'ere I go, I blanket hope with night.
Knowing in easeful death alone will I find rest.
Fame, power, riches - all these count as nought.
Yet in my time I have for these three fought.
You must not follow. That is my full heart's request.
There is one chance. If you are wise and brave
Live not for self but other people save.
And redeem me. Come plunge your blade into my breast.

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