L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssstantusletterletter の変更点


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To the Imperial Watch
I have it on good authority that an Imperial City dweller was heard to say they were intending to bring charges against a Captain of the Imperial Watch for illegal activities.
These words were overheard in Bravil and the speaker was thought to be Stantus Varrid, although that has not been confirmed.
I am a great believer in the Watch.  Thanks to you we all sleep more soundly in our beds at night.  Of course this does not permit them to operate outside the law but I feel it would be beneficial for all citizens if such a matter, if true, could be dealt with by the Watch quickly and internally.  I am sending this in the hope that you will sort it out before it becomes public knowledge.
Signed A well wisher


// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<font face=5>
To the Imperial Watch
I have it on good authority that an Imperial City dweller was heard to say they were intending to bring charges against a Captain of the Imperial Watch for illegal activities.
These words were overheard in Bravil and the speaker was thought to be Stantus Varrid, although that has not been confirmed.
I am a great believer in the Watch.  Thanks to you we all sleep more soundly in our beds at night.  Of course this does not permit them to operate outside the law but I feel it would be beneficial for all citizens if such a matter, if true, could be dealt with by the Watch quickly and internally.  I am sending this in the hope that you will sort it out before it becomes public knowledge.
Signed A well wisher


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