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<DIV align="center">Some reflections on the sheep of Cyrodiil <br>
by <p>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61> first grew interested in these delightful creatures when my brother Eronor became a shepherd looking after a small flock at Weynon Priory.  I am not sentimental about the beasts.  They were developed as a food source as well as being providers of milk and wool.  If mutton, or even better, lamb, is on the menu, I have no trouble about ordering it.
Mutton is commonly available in even the least pretentious eating house.  I find this odd because there are hardly any normal sheep in Cyrodiil and one has to wonder where the meat originates;  Summerset Isle perhaps?  Now, I can imagine you saying 'but there are many flocks of sheep in Cyrodiil'.  You are quite right.  But I said 'normal' sheep and of those there are hardly any.  I will deal with each of the known flocks in turn.
The Bear-Baiting Sheep of Shardrock
Bears are found throughout Cyrodiil and are not fond of humans.  Yet nowhere other than at Shardrock have they been known to attack sheep.  What is more, the bears in the area are a special breed that seems to exist for no purpose other than to attack the sheep.  This may sound hard to believe but let me assure you it is very well documented.  The phenomenon has brought the farm to ruin on several occasions.  The previous owner was in such financial difficulty that he hanged himself and left the farm to a nephew whom he did not much like.  The new owner apparently intends to make it work.  He has some, surely misplaced, faith in the arrival of an heroic adventurer who will be prepared to wipe out the bears for the reward of a book.  Ha!  Who in these times has heard of an adventurer prepared to be so altruistic?  (I hesitate to add the word 'stupid'.)  My advice to you all is to avoid Shardrock and its sheep like the plague!
The Shape-Changing Sheep of Water's Edge
This is a rumour, of course, but one that is backed by a certain amount of anecdotal evidence.  Years ago Water's Edge was part of the territory of the Brown Pants goblin tribe.  Owing to them all being total cowards forever at the mercy of other tribes as well as permanently persecuted by humans, they sought a mage to find a way in which they could evade being seen.  He produced a potion by which they could pass ten years at a time as a sheep.  When the effect of the potion wore off there would of course be a short risk period until they could gulp down the next batch.  For this time they would be back in goblin form.  The only possible reason to doubt the validity of the rumour is that the inhabitants of Water's Edge have never seen this phenomenon in operation.  Unless I suppose the human inhabitants are disguised goblins too!   My advice is to keep well away from the place!
The Vampire Sheep of Skingrad
This is a rumour, though I am inclined to believe it.  The shepherd Uuras, who spends all his waking time keeping the sheep company, shows no signs of vampirism.  He is very strange however, like most of Skingrad's inhabitants but he is seen outside in full sunshine.  The same can be said of the sheep but it seems possible that their fleeces protect them from solar damage.  Whatever, they certainly spend all their time wandering around caves known to be infested with vampires and it would be very surprising if they were not in some way affected.
When I visited the flock, I did notice that they were all watching me intently.  At one point - perhaps I approached too closely - they started to follow me.  When I teleported away in haste I found they had teleported with me!  It was very upsetting.
I strongly advise you go nowhere near this particular flock.
The Cursed Sheep of Border Watch
The whole settlement of Border Watch has a 'thing' about animals.  Perhaps this is because it is inhabited exclusively by the cat-people of Elsweyr.  Their shaman is oddly fixated about rats and almost faints clean away if you have the misfortune to mention dogs.  They are all also hyper-protective of their sheep.  One wonders why, since it is widely known outside Border Watch that the sheep are cursed.  They are doomed to die by an act of God.  What do the benighted inhabitants imagine they can do to stop the operation of divine wrath?
This flock is one to be missed if you value your safety and your sanity.
The Phantom Sheep of Aleswell
The strange case of phantom ovines was first reported in Morrowind by the intrepid explorer Embie.  He could hear them in the Ashlands of Vvardenfell though no such creatures existed to the human eye.  Now they have been reported in two quite distinct parts of Cyrodiil.  The first is in the village of Aleswell.  I am pretty sure that this is a fantasy dreamed up by the teller after too much wine.  When I visited Aleswell I neither saw nor heard sheep.  In fact the whole place appeared to have been abandoned.  I suppose if there had been phantom sheep they might have frightened the villagers away.  But as I said, I did not hear any disembodied bleating.  The place did have a vaguely unreal feeling that would not appeal to the nervous.  I would cross this village off your list of places to see.  
The other reference to phantom sheep seems much more probable.  I have it on impeccable authority that a Legion soldier who had entered an Ayleid ruin to shelter from a storm came face to face with one.  Unfortunately the man died of a heart attack before he could name the ruin.  Well, these ruins are dangerous enough that it won't need any additional warning from me to keep you out.
The Mysterious Sheep of Anvil
This is yet another rumour, although I am inclined to give it credence because it was only chance I overheard a conversation between two Anvil ruffians - pirates by the look of them.  They were talking of their captain running a profitable sheep-rustling business.  The sheep were then smuggled on board his ship.  I could not establish whether the sheep were being smuggled into Cyrodiil or out of it.  Also, I could not work out why they were being smuggled.  I have heard of sheep being used as mules, although that sounds zoologically improbable.  Perhaps the fleeces were removed and replaced with a layer of moon sugar in between?
The men I overheard were clearly annoyed at being expected to sweep up the mess the beasts were making and with their clothing constantly being infested with fleas carried  by them.
I didn't investigate further.  Boarding a pirate vessel unbidden is generally a fatal error.  And I am sure I don't need to emphasise that you should not attempt to do so either!
The Perfectly Ordinary Sheep of Weynon Priory
I dare say that by now you are both surprised and relieved to learn that such creatures do exist in Cyrodiil.  No doubt you will be expecting me to recommend this flock as ideal to visit.  
If sheep you must see then I suppose this is the safest site to choose.  But Weynon Priory is an exclusively male community and one cannot help but wonder whether the sheep are....
No matter, a more irritating problem is that my brother Eronor is there.  Oh, he's harmless enough, if a little excessively rustic, but he does like to talk.  Unless you really want to spend several hours being gabbled at by an odoriferous country bumpkin, I'd be disinclined to waste the effort.  Then that is up to you.
It should be pretty obvious to you by now that if you really feel the need to see a flock of sheep you had better go to Summerset Isle.  In Cyrodiil, keep out of the way of anything that goes 'baaa'!


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<font face=1><br>
<DIV align="center">Some reflections on the sheep of Cyrodiil <br>
by <p>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61> first grew interested in these delightful creatures when my brother Eronor became a shepherd looking after a small flock at Weynon Priory.  I am not sentimental about the beasts.  They were developed as a food source as well as being providers of milk and wool.  If mutton, or even better, lamb, is on the menu, I have no trouble about ordering it.
Mutton is commonly available in even the least pretentious eating house.  I find this odd because there are hardly any normal sheep in Cyrodiil and one has to wonder where the meat originates;  Summerset Isle perhaps?  Now, I can imagine you saying 'but there are many flocks of sheep in Cyrodiil'.  You are quite right.  But I said 'normal' sheep and of those there are hardly any.  I will deal with each of the known flocks in turn.
The Bear-Baiting Sheep of Shardrock
Bears are found throughout Cyrodiil and are not fond of humans.  Yet nowhere other than at Shardrock have they been known to attack sheep.  What is more, the bears in the area are a special breed that seems to exist for no purpose other than to attack the sheep.  This may sound hard to believe but let me assure you it is very well documented.  The phenomenon has brought the farm to ruin on several occasions.  The previous owner was in such financial difficulty that he hanged himself and left the farm to a nephew whom he did not much like.  The new owner apparently intends to make it work.  He has some, surely misplaced, faith in the arrival of an heroic adventurer who will be prepared to wipe out the bears for the reward of a book.  Ha!  Who in these times has heard of an adventurer prepared to be so altruistic?  (I hesitate to add the word 'stupid'.)  My advice to you all is to avoid Shardrock and its sheep like the plague!
The Shape-Changing Sheep of Water's Edge
This is a rumour, of course, but one that is backed by a certain amount of anecdotal evidence.  Years ago Water's Edge was part of the territory of the Brown Pants goblin tribe.  Owing to them all being total cowards forever at the mercy of other tribes as well as permanently persecuted by humans, they sought a mage to find a way in which they could evade being seen.  He produced a potion by which they could pass ten years at a time as a sheep.  When the effect of the potion wore off there would of course be a short risk period until they could gulp down the next batch.  For this time they would be back in goblin form.  The only possible reason to doubt the validity of the rumour is that the inhabitants of Water's Edge have never seen this phenomenon in operation.  Unless I suppose the human inhabitants are disguised goblins too!   My advice is to keep well away from the place!
The Vampire Sheep of Skingrad
This is a rumour, though I am inclined to believe it.  The shepherd Uuras, who spends all his waking time keeping the sheep company, shows no signs of vampirism.  He is very strange however, like most of Skingrad's inhabitants but he is seen outside in full sunshine.  The same can be said of the sheep but it seems possible that their fleeces protect them from solar damage.  Whatever, they certainly spend all their time wandering around caves known to be infested with vampires and it would be very surprising if they were not in some way affected.
When I visited the flock, I did notice that they were all watching me intently.  At one point - perhaps I approached too closely - they started to follow me.  When I teleported away in haste I found they had teleported with me!  It was very upsetting.
I strongly advise you go nowhere near this particular flock.
The Cursed Sheep of Border Watch
The whole settlement of Border Watch has a 'thing' about animals.  Perhaps this is because it is inhabited exclusively by the cat-people of Elsweyr.  Their shaman is oddly fixated about rats and almost faints clean away if you have the misfortune to mention dogs.  They are all also hyper-protective of their sheep.  One wonders why, since it is widely known outside Border Watch that the sheep are cursed.  They are doomed to die by an act of God.  What do the benighted inhabitants imagine they can do to stop the operation of divine wrath?
This flock is one to be missed if you value your safety and your sanity.
The Phantom Sheep of Aleswell
The strange case of phantom ovines was first reported in Morrowind by the intrepid explorer Embie.  He could hear them in the Ashlands of Vvardenfell though no such creatures existed to the human eye.  Now they have been reported in two quite distinct parts of Cyrodiil.  The first is in the village of Aleswell.  I am pretty sure that this is a fantasy dreamed up by the teller after too much wine.  When I visited Aleswell I neither saw nor heard sheep.  In fact the whole place appeared to have been abandoned.  I suppose if there had been phantom sheep they might have frightened the villagers away.  But as I said, I did not hear any disembodied bleating.  The place did have a vaguely unreal feeling that would not appeal to the nervous.  I would cross this village off your list of places to see.  
The other reference to phantom sheep seems much more probable.  I have it on impeccable authority that a Legion soldier who had entered an Ayleid ruin to shelter from a storm came face to face with one.  Unfortunately the man died of a heart attack before he could name the ruin.  Well, these ruins are dangerous enough that it won't need any additional warning from me to keep you out.
The Mysterious Sheep of Anvil
This is yet another rumour, although I am inclined to give it credence because it was only chance I overheard a conversation between two Anvil ruffians - pirates by the look of them.  They were talking of their captain running a profitable sheep-rustling business.  The sheep were then smuggled on board his ship.  I could not establish whether the sheep were being smuggled into Cyrodiil or out of it.  Also, I could not work out why they were being smuggled.  I have heard of sheep being used as mules, although that sounds zoologically improbable.  Perhaps the fleeces were removed and replaced with a layer of moon sugar in between?
The men I overheard were clearly annoyed at being expected to sweep up the mess the beasts were making and with their clothing constantly being infested with fleas carried  by them.
I didn't investigate further.  Boarding a pirate vessel unbidden is generally a fatal error.  And I am sure I don't need to emphasise that you should not attempt to do so either!
The Perfectly Ordinary Sheep of Weynon Priory
I dare say that by now you are both surprised and relieved to learn that such creatures do exist in Cyrodiil.  No doubt you will be expecting me to recommend this flock as ideal to visit.  
If sheep you must see then I suppose this is the safest site to choose.  But Weynon Priory is an exclusively male community and one cannot help but wonder whether the sheep are....
No matter, a more irritating problem is that my brother Eronor is there.  Oh, he's harmless enough, if a little excessively rustic, but he does like to talk.  Unless you really want to spend several hours being gabbled at by an odoriferous country bumpkin, I'd be disinclined to waste the effort.  Then that is up to you.
It should be pretty obvious to you by now that if you really feel the need to see a flock of sheep you had better go to Summerset Isle.  In Cyrodiil, keep out of the way of anything that goes 'baaa'!


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